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Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
Toifa: ko‘rsatilmagan

Helping humanity awaken to its full potential, for a New earth to come ✨

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ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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Part of the journey to loving yourself is honoring your needs, your wants, and your desires. It means setting boundaries, and forgiving yourself when you didn’t know better. It means being your authentic self whether people like it or not. It means listening to your body when you need that much needed rest, even if you feel you have to be doing something in order to feel accomplished. Honor yourself for you really matter. ♥️✨

Most addictions stem from childhood trauma. Whether it’s from our parents, a traumatic experience, or whatever the case; unresolved trauma will eventually lead us to a toxic addictions.

Do you remember as a child how present you were in the moment? Your past or future didn’t matter. All we were focused on was our present moment, how we dwelled in the beauty of our surroundings. How in tune we were into the games we were playing with other children. How we laid on the green grass staring at clouds and making animal shapes out of them. We lived in the present moment as children, whatever we were experiencing at that current moment is all that mattered. As adults we are distracted by life, work, our past, our future. Our thoughts are in a million places at once. We’re unable to focus on our present moment. Take time to relish in the current moment, how does it feel, what is around you? We may get caught back up in the chaos of life, but it is ultimately up to us to take a deep breath and remind ourselves to stay in the present moment. ✨

Message for today ✨

Staying at a higher vibration/ frequency takes constant work. It is no easy task, there will be situations that will affect our state of mind, but it is up to us to overcome these obstacles and keep coming back to that state of mind. As we do this, it will be easier to achieve this. ✨

Gotta love those Angel numbers

Remember you’re the most important character in your life. You must take care of yourself first, for how can you take care of others when you’re running on empty? Take, care of yourself, and love yourself, so you can take care of those who need you. Part of aligning to a higher vibration requires you to truly love yourself. Listen to your body, and do what’s best for it. ✨

In order to heal past traumas, once must do shadow work in order to get to the root of the problem. It requires you to go back to the incident, observe it, feel it, how does it make you feel? Forgive yourself for you didn’t know any better, and release it with unconditional love. It may take more than once to heal deep seated and rooted traumas, depending on how major these traumas were. We all heal in layers, so you may think you’re healed, until these traumas are triggered again. Be patient with yourself and remember to love yourself in the process. ✨

The main key to manifesting is aligning to the right frequency. Yes you must put the work in, but it’s mainly about having the right vibration to receive what you’re working towards. Remember, work smarter not harder. ✨

Signs you are making progress on your spiritual journey: we all our on different levels in our spiritual journey, these are just a few signs you are making progress. Remember, practice makes perfect.✨

Today’s affirmations:
Affirmations are a great day to start the day, they help rewire your brain to automatically think positively, instead of negatively like we’re used to. Our thoughts have power, since everything is made up of energy. ✨

Reminder to not take life so seriously, we’re here to learn and grow. We’re here to evolve our soul, for we’re only here temporarily. Don’t forget to live life to the fullest! ✨

We’re constantly worrying about the past or the future. Don’t let these worries take control of the present moment, for the present moment is what truly matters. Stay anchored in the now. ✨

Reminder to focus on the positive instead of the negative. Worrying won’t get you anywhere, instead it will create more chaos within yourself. ✨

You are a spiritual being having a human experience. ✨

Believe it and you shall receive it. We all deserve to be happy, don’t let your outdated beliefs overcome your right to happiness. ✨

One of the most important lessons is to fall in love with yourself. Once you do, you will attract that of the same frequency as you. As within, so without. Love yourself and you will attract more blessings into your life. 💖✨

Everything is made up of energy. Focus on a solution instead of the problem. It’s okay to be aware of the negativity in our surroundings, but don’t let that be your main focus. Don’t give your energy away to negativity, instead focus on a positive outcome. 🌈✨

Daily affirmations 💖

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Telegram'da ko‘rish
Everything we’ve been taught since early childhood has been a lie. We’ve been indoctrinated since a young age to believe false information to fit the agenda at play.

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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