vanille's galery

Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
Toifa: ko‘rsatilmagan

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ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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BMF x Munbase x DF dan repost
☆ Don't forget to subscribe our precious partnership, don't left them behind!


Note :: You have to subscribe 27 channel in total. Do not unsubscribe to the channel or you'll get banned from our next GA! ♡

BMF x Munbase x DF dan repost
Bestowing our warmest greetings to all pulchritudinous creatures being around here! We're here to apprise you that our sizably voluminous event is going to be handled on 22-26 May 2021. There's a giveaway and mini games with astounding prizes! Don't you guys excited for it? If you progressively willing to join the whole bliss, you have following this rules below :

1. Wajib subscribe channel @DagangFess, @MundaneBase, @BJRPMenfess, dan channel partnership yang tertera.
2. Screenshot dan grid bukti bahwa kalian sudah subscribe channel-nya untuk di-posting di-section proof.
3. Menggunakan akun RP/CA/BA/FA/PA dengan catatan satu orang hanya boleh menggunakan satu akun.
4. Dilarang unsubs channel yang sudah di-subscribe setelah giveaway atau akan di-blacklist dari giveaway selanjutnya.
5. Jangan ganti username sebelum giveaway diumumkan pemenangnya.
6. Isi format sesuai yang dianjurkan dan kirim di-section format.

Format giveaway :
Nama :
Username :
Nomor :
Link proof :

Untuk contoh pengisian format kamu bisa lihat di @ContohFormatGA

It's not that hard to following the rules, right? You'll get so much fun by joining this event, we'll be honoured if you guys willing to spend a some of your juncture for joining this event.

help fw moots

miy (e) mura dan repost
want to sell username based on miyamura from horimiya


✪ pergantian huruf rata tengah a>e
✪ start form 8K, kb 2k (free jumpid)
✪ start offer 21 MAY 2021
✪ close offer 25 MAY 2021 22.00 WIB
✪ BIG NO HNR! drop offer= fix buyer
✪ payment only via dana and ovo

drop your best offer in comment section! @miyemura

HONGCOONG dan repost


⊹ pergantian huruf j ke c
⊹ rata dan sangat terbaca
⊹ start from 8k
⊹ kb 1k, free jumpbid
⊹ close 22 Mei, 20.00 pm
⊹ no HIT N RUN, offer = fix.
⊹ payment DANA & QRIS only
⊹ Drop your best offer in comment section or @fellaztobot

☆ Property's dan repost

[UP FOR SELL] edisi BU + Bersihin Keep an.

@erSwin b.o Erwin Smith
@rivaiAlle b.o Rivaialle (Levi)
@iFwaizumi b.o Iwaizumi
@teruhWima b.o Terushima
@mitsLuya b.o Mitsuya
@mikaPela b.o Mikaela
@runaE b.o Runa

With fix price. Range: 15K — 30K.
Ask @EclippseBot for price.

@kebiasaann kece nih

tremor ni agaknya makannya diganti WKKWKWKWK

oh ok ku offer sajalah

eh e itu huruf rata kan yak

@miyemura ku offer ap gimana yak

@mpiyamura halo ganteng

Hori. dan repost
want to sell this username based on HORI from Horimiya.


✦ penambahan huruf rata di depan (+z)
✦ start from 10k, kb 1k (free jumpbid)
✦ close offer 22 may 21.00 WIB
✦ payment via dana, qris, and gopay
✦ drop your best offer on @zHori’s comment section or join the group

∿ 𝐒wefly 𝐒tore 𑁤 [ O P E N ] dan repost
Siapapun tolong fw ini , ak abis ketipu 70k pake qris ini, siapapun yg punya or tau pemiliknya tolong hubungi @odelyo / @nrimiily tolong banget

soalnya ini orang bikin panik😊

maaf y moots ak kasar 😊

Mundane Base dan repost

Tolong, yang punya CH ada itikad baik apa??? Kamu memanipulasi berita, font yang digunakan beda. Foto Maret, dipublish Mei. maksudnya apa?

Saya searching, berita sama foto yang kamu gunakan itu berita Maret. Ada source nya ini.

Jangan sampe saya yang laporin kamu atas Pemalsuan berita ya.

UU ITE No. 11 Tahun 2008.

Bagi BA / siapapun yg panik, please. kalo ada apa-apa cari sumbernya dulu.

kiri: foto editan (font nya jg aneh, berita gapake font dari dafont)
kanan: foto asli

@sehbastian hloh ayang

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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