Étoile Déchue

Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
Toifa: ko‘rsatilmagan

"Wish upon the falling stars, they say, as it would grant your wish."
Thus here they are, handling the stars in between their hands as they give out the best to serve everyone's wishes. Hey there, why not grant your wish too?

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ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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Yay, Asmaraloka lagi buka special batch! Yuk borong Lumières, katalog barunya lucu semua loh🥺💛

✦ asmaraloka : today 01:00pm! ✰੭ dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
[ Dear any Business Account who read this, a five second tap and forward won't hurt anyone, mind to do the same to mine? help me to spread this news! ]

Don't you think that a usual comic drawing is boring these days? That's why I'm inviting you to Asmaraloka Christmas and New Year Special Batch! A brand new comic that you never found nor seen before, but it doesn't mean that this comic will be the same as before. Many colorful drawing [Animated Border, Aesthetic GIF and Themed Icons] that is one hundred percent made by the hands by comic Goddesses itself will be displayed here. Mark the date so you won't miss the chance to have your own comic design!

Hai semuanya, Asmaraloka akan mengadakan Christmas and New Year Special Batch tanggal 28 Desember jam 01:00 siang, jangan lupa cek katalognya dan siapkan formatmu!

With love, Scarlett and Evelynn.

Thus, that's why tonight Étoile Déchue will be announcing something very special. As we first established to work here with the purpose to help others—in this case you, our beloved subscribers—we're more than delighted to finally expose a new nickname for everyone; Lumières! This nickname didn't come merely just for fun, we dedicate this nickname to all of you guys because you're our "light"; our hope, and also our priority to be fulfilled. Your wish will always be our task to be endowed, and that shall go on for a long time without any curfew!🌟

In further detailed explanation, Lumières is the reason why we're here. You're the fuel of our service, our passion, and also our hard work. Without you by our side to give us any light, then we're nothing. Pretty cliche and dramatic, isn't it? Sorry for that, but we just wanted to make sure Étoile Déchue is a place with a clear vision for everyone to witness! All being considered, make sure you don't forget your official nickname now, Lumières. Last additional remark, something big is coming real real soon, so please stay tuned and get yourself ready. Better be prepared than sorry!😝

Quoting a phrase from Chester A Bum from Bum Reviews, there goes a sentence: "How come magic spells always have a curfew?"⏳

Just like Cinderella—and mostly any other protagonist of any movies—who was caught up upon a fight between space and time, it is of course undeniable to discredit how important achieving something is in our everyday lives. They all taught us more than one thing from their stories, yet their burning passion to get a grasp on what they're wishing for is a plus point. We should highlight it as a daily reminder for ourselves.

#Capricorn: OKE AKU BORDER DULU. Dadah!👋

#Capricorn: Ih bener. Mending aku set schedule pengumuman dulu deh. Oke semuanya, sekian dulu open board nggak jelas milik Capricorn malam ini! Akhirnya juga ya Cancer sama Pisces muncul hehehe🙏

#Cancer: kayak main tns ya, unnie. ^o^

#Capricorn: Kita! Pake hashtag! Alay!

#Pisces: Alay apanya!

#Capricorn: Seperti ini contohnya. Wow, alay!💔


Aku juga ... Malu. First time broadcasting di Etoile, nih.

Nighty-night, everyone! This is Pisces. 💗



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