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ko‘rsatilmagan, Inglizcha
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The Only 8 Fonts You Will Ever Need

Typography has evolved significantly, offering an extensive array of typefaces. Despite the abundance, eight fonts have stood out for their unique characteristics: Garamond, Bodoni, Baskerville, Times New Roman, Century Expanded, Futura, Helvetica, and Inter. Each font brings its own historical significance and design ethos, from classics like Garamond and Baskerville that improve readability, to modern fonts like Inter designed for digital interfaces. These fonts are essential tools for any designer, adaptable to various projects from traditional print to contemporary digital design.


12+ Things I Regret Not Knowing Earlier About Python Lists

Learn various useful techniques to handle Python lists effectively. Discover the power of the * operator for combining and unpacking lists, the difference between .sort() and sorted(), and advanced methods like list comprehensions, .insert(), and .extend(). Understand the distinct advantages and limitations of tuples compared to lists.


CSS One-Liners to Improve (Almost) Every Project

This guide provides a series of CSS one-liners aimed at enhancing the appearance and readability of web content. Key tips include limiting content width, increasing text size and line height, making images responsive, and improving table readability. Additionally, the guide offers solutions for balanced heading wrapping, matching form control colors to page styles, and reducing animations based on user preferences.


BoringUi - A UI generator for your data

BoringUi, a new tool for generating user interfaces from data, was launched and featured on July 31st, 2024. It aims to assist designers and developers with seamless UI creation.


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15 amazing things you can do with simple JavaScript 🤯

Discover the versatile and surprising capabilities of vanilla JavaScript through practical examples. Learn how to find operating system details, prevent page refreshing, redirect users to new pages, validate emails, get the current URL, and detect mobile browsers. Additional features include handling disabled JavaScript, accessing module metadata, getting timezone offsets, setting the cursor to wait, and manipulating console messages with CSS.


Data Structures Cheat Sheet

This guide provides an introduction to data structures and their representation in Memgraph. It explains the basics of graphs, linked lists, queues, stacks, and trees, along with examples and queries to create these data structures using Memgraph. The document also discusses tree traversal algorithms like BFS and DFS and demonstrates how to run these algorithms in Memgraph.


onClick={someFunction} VS onClick={()=>someFunction}

Using `onClick={someFunction}` directly references the function and executes it on click without creating an extra function, making it more efficient for simple handlers. In contrast, `onClick={() => someFunction()}` creates a new function on each render, ideal for scenarios where arguments need to be passed or additional operations are required before executing the function.


8 Frontend Tools to Become a Better Developer

Front-end developers can significantly boost their productivity and create high-quality applications by incorporating lesser-known tools into their workflows. Essential tools include Uiverse for UI elements, the Motion plugin for Figma, CSSFX for animations, Frontend Mentor for real-world coding challenges, GSAP for high-performance animations, CodePen for code experimentation, Polypane for multi-device previews, and Can I Use for browser compatibility checks.

🔗 @hii_mohit/8-essential-tools-for-frontend-developers-in-2024-f2bdefe2f253' rel='nofollow'>

Top 10 Clean Code Rules

Guidance for writing clean code includes no code comments, deleting dead code, unit testing boundaries, using positive conditionals, adhering to standard guidelines, consistent naming, avoiding complexity, using exceptions instead of return codes, keeping methods small, and applying the Boy Scout rule to always leave the code cleaner than you found it.


29k 0 65 7 39

How to Build Anything Extremely Quickly

Outline speedrunning involves creating a detailed outline of a project, breaking it down into smaller tasks recursively, completing them quickly without perfecting, and then refining the project once it's done. This method, compared to the traditional 'loading-bar' style, can significantly speed up tasks like writing and programming by increasing momentum and reducing stress. The key is to not perfect any part of the project until it is fully completed.


📱 GitHub Repositories Every Software Engineer Should Know


Java Roadmap

40.5k 0 131 25 67

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