Harsh Hacker

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♨️ PUBG Hack Making Course ♨️

📜 Course Topics —

🔹Basics About App
🔹Introduction to Sketchware
🔹UI Design of log cleaner apk
🔹Designing progress 2
🔹Designing progress 3
🔹UI Design Final
🔹Root permission
🔹Log cleaner
🔹Log cleaner final
🔹Antiban apk basic setup
🔹Ui improvement
🔹Firebase Authentication
🔹One Device login
🔹Dialog box
🔹Home page setup
🔹Save and load key
🔹Inbuild Injector
🔹Floating Icon
🔹CPP Making
🔹Features & values finding
🔹Encryption & online
🔹Basic Commands & Lua
🔹Completing the script
🔹Fast Execution Script making

📥 Free Download - tap here 👈🏻

🗃️ File Type - Zip (1.36 GB)

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WhatsApp has a serious vulnerability

~ Pavel Durov (Telegram's founder)

Du Rove's Channel dan repost
Hackers could have full access (!) to everything on the phones of WhatsApp users.

This was possible through a security issue disclosed by WhatsApp itself last week. All a hacker had to do to control your phone was send you a malicious video or start a video call with you on WhatsApp.

You are probably thinking "Yeah, but if I updated WhatsApp to the latest version, I am safe, right"?

Not really.

A WhatsApp security issue exactly like this one was discovered in 2018, then another in 2019 and yet another one in 2020 (tap each year's link to see the corresponding vulnerability). And yes, in 2017 before that. Prior to 2016, WhatsApp didn't have encryption at all.

Every year, we learn about some issue in WhatsApp that puts everything on their users' devices at risk. Which means it's almost certain that a new security flaw already exists there. Such issues are hardly incidental – they are planted backdoors. If one backdoor is discovered and has to be removed, another one is added (read the post "Why WhatsApp will never be secure" to understand why).

It doesn't matter if you are the richest person on earth – if you have WhatsApp installed on your phone, all your data from every app on your device is accessible, as Jeff Bezos found out in 2020. That's why I deleted WhatsApp from my devices years ago. Having it installed creates a door to get into your phone.

I'm not pushing people to switch to Telegram here. With 700M+ active users and 2M+ daily signups, Telegram doesn't need additional promotion. You can use any messaging app you like, but do stay away from WhatsApp – it has now been a surveillance tool for 13 years.

Wishing You And Your Family Good Health, Never-Ending Happiness, Peace And Prosperity This Christmas And In The Coming Years. Have A Merry Christmas To All Members. 🥳 🎊 🎉

🔰 Bitten Tech's Pre Hacking Course For Free (All Modules) 🔰

📔 What will this course give you? After taking this course, you will be able to:

- Step into the world of hacking and know what exactly it is

- Know the history of this field and its fundamentals

- Introduce yourself to Information Security and it’s sub fields

- Know and understand whatever is required to learn before and after hacking

- Know why you should learn hacking?

- Know that hacking is NOT ALWAYS ILLEGAL

- How to make a career in Ethical Hacking

- Know the basics of cyber security and its terminologies

- Setup your own personalized hacking environment with most popular tools and softwares

- Know each and every detail of what you are doing, conceptually

- Be able to run your own commands, install your own tools and manage them

- Learn about Linux and everything about it to work with it

- Learn major Windows and Linux Commands

- Learn about Computer Networking conceptually and whatever you need in infosec

- Refresh your networking concepts of every layer, mainly application layer in detail

- Know about the working of VPNs, proxies, TOR, SSH, Telnet and many more

- Know the phases of ethical hacking and pentesting and how important information gathering is

- Be able to do reconnaissance and footprinting on a target systematically

- Be able to gather as much information about the target as you can with popular tools and techniques practically

- Know the importance of scanning and how to find vulnerabilities in a target

- Learn every methodology professionally and ethically

- Learn about proper documentation of scan results

- Be able to apply the concepts hands on effectively

- Learn about enumeration and its types

- Learn how hacking is done in corporate environment

🔗 Link - tap here 👈

🗂 Size - 10.7 GB

🌐 Can Watch Online - Yes

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🔰 Some vocabulary 🔰

— Infosec
: Information security, which is the practice of preventing unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, inspection, recording or destruction of information. The information or data may take any form, e.g. electronic or physical. Infosec can also be a person who practices ethical security. Wikipedia

Opsec: Operations security, which is a process that identifies critical information to determine if friendly actions can be observed by enemy intelligence, determines if information obtained by adversaries could be interpreted to be useful to them, and then executes selected measures that eliminate or reduce adversary exploitation of friendly critical information. Wikipedia

— Black/grey/white hat hacker: Someone who uses bugs or exploits to break into systems or applications. The goal and the method differs depending if they're a black, grey or white hat hacker. A black hat is just someone malicious that does not wait permission to break into a system or application. A white hat is usually a security researcher who practice ethical hacking. A grey hat is just in the middle of these two kind of hackers, they might want to be malicious if it can be benefit (data breach, money, whistleblowing ...).

— Red team: According to Wikipedia, a red team or the red team is an independent group that challenges an organization to improve its effectiveness by assuming an adversarial role or point of view. It is particularly effective in organizations with strong cultures and fixed ways of approaching problems. The United States intelligence community (military and civilian) has red teams that explore alternative futures and write articles as if they were foreign world leaders. Little formal doctrine or publications about Red Teaming in the military exist. In infosec exercises, Red teamers are playing the role of attackers. Wikipedia

— Blue team: A blue team is a group of individuals who perform an analysis of information systems to ensure security, identify security flaws, verify the effectiveness of each security measure, and to make certain all security measures will continue to be effective after implementation. As a result, blue teams were developed to design defensive measures against red team activities. In infosec exercises, Blue teamers are playing the role of defenders. Wikipedia

— Penetration tester: An ethical hacker who practices security, tests applications and systems to prevent intrusions or find vulnerabilities.

— Security researcher: Someone who practices pen testing and browses the web to find phishing/fake websites, infected servers, bugs or vulnerabilities. They can work for a company as a security consultant and are most likely a Blue teamer.

— Reverse engineering: Reverse engineering, also called back engineering, is the process by which a man-made object is deconstructed to reveal its designs, architecture, or to extract knowledge from the object. Similar to scientific research, the only difference being that scientific research is about a natural phenomenon. Wikipedia

— Social engineering: In the context of information security, it refers to psychological manipulation of people into performing actions or divulging confidential information. A type of confidence trick for the purpose of information gathering, fraud, or system access, it differs from a traditional "con" in that it is often one of many steps in a more complex fraud scheme. The term "social engineering" as an act of psychological manipulation of a human, is also associated with the social sciences, but its usage has caught on among computer and information security professionals. Wikipedia

— Threat analyst: A threat hunter, also called a cybersecurity threat analyst, is a security professional or managed service provider (MSP) that proactively uses manual or machine-assisted techniques to detect security incidents that may elude the grasp of automated systems.

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🛑 Personal Information Of More Then 1.5 Billion Facebook Users Is Being Sold On The Dark Web

👉🏻 Data Contains:
• Names
• Emails
• Phone Numbers
• Locations
• Gender
• User ID

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🛑 Facebook's servers down globally!!

💻 How To Find Who Logged Into Your Computer And When?

—> Step 1: First of all, type “gpedit.msc” in the start menu and hit Enter.

—> Step 2: Now browse to the following folder: Local Computer Policy –> Computer Configuration –> Windows Settings –> Security Settings –> Local Policies –> Audit Policy.

—> Step 3: Now you need to double click on Audit Logon event and then check “Success” and “Failure” and click on OK.

—> Step 4: Now you need to type “Event Viewer” on the start menu and hit enter.

—> Step 5: Now navigate to: Windows logs –> Security.

—> Step 6: Now you need to look for the events with event ID 4624 (4624 represent successful login events)

—> Step 7: You can double click on the events to know the time and some extra details about the login.

📚 That’s it! you are done. This is the easiest way to track all the login attempts in your Windows computer.

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⚠️ Channel Announcement ⚠️

Hello members,

As I'm preparing for IIT JEE exam; don't have much time for myself.

Therefore, I'll be unavailable for next 1 year.


​​❇️ How to Find & Remove Hidden Keyloggers from your Android ❇️
🌀 All about Keyloggers - tap here 👈🏻

🌀 If you've PC - tap here 👈🏻

🔹 Find The Source

👉 The first step for you is to know how keyloggers enter smartphones. One is if anyone used your device and then inserted the bad script inside it, another one is that the apps you installed from the third-party sources included the malware along with the keyloggers.

👉 You should identify it by yourself whether or not you have any suspect from both of these. If any, then it could become a lot easier to remove the keyloggers.

🔹Check For Unusual Activities

👉The second thing is that you should check for the unfamiliar and suspicious things happening on your device. For example, any script can cause your device to reboot often or any numbers tend to appear on the screen.

👉You also need to look for suspicious apps. If anything like this is happening, it is a sign that the keyloggers conquer your device.

Use Antimalware

👉How can you remove the keyloggers then? This is simple, use an antivirus app and scan for the malware. If the antivirus app finds any malware, remove it. Secondly, find the affected app that is using a lot of data even in the background.

👉Uninstall that app and then restart your device. All this will surely help to remove any keyloggers on your device.

👉After removing the keylogger or spyware app, make sure to download and install a proper antimalware app. We recommend using Malwarebytes to further protect your Android device from security threats like spyware, keyloggers, etc.

🔹Check File Manager & Download Folder

👉Look inside the file manager for each of the folders and find if any hidden files might be the keylogger, remove that. This could be time-consuming, but as you know, your device will become safer to use in the end.

👉Also, check the installed apps section of your Android. If you find any suspicious apps, remove them as soon as possible.

🔹Check the Keyboard Apps

👉Well, keyloggers usually rely on the Keyboard apps for Android. Normally, every keyboard apps available on the Google Play Store is safe to download & use. However, if you are using a third-party keyboard app, then you need to check its credibility.

👉So, move to the Android App page and check for unusual keyboard apps. If you find any suspicious keyboard app, then uninstall it. After the uninstall, run a full smartphone scan with Malwarebytes.

✅ So, this is all about how to remove the hidden keyloggers from Android. Hope you found it useful.

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Write an Android Trojan from scratch ☢

🔹Iɴғᴏʀᴍᴀᴛɪᴏɴ -

┏◈Sɪᴢᴇ |:| 568ᴍʙ
┗◈Fᴏʀᴍᴀᴛ |:| tar 🗂

🔗 GDrive Link - tap here 👈🏻

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🔰 OclHashcat (Password Cracking Tool) 🔰

🌀 If password cracking is something you do on daily basis, you might be aware of the free password cracking tool Hashcat.While Hashcat is a CPU-based password cracking tool, oclHashcat is its advanced version that uses the power of your GPU.

♨️ This tool employs following attack modes for cracking -

--> Straight
-->Hybrid dictionary + marks

--> Mentioning another major feature, oclHashcat is an open source tool under MIT license that allows an easy integration or packaging of the common Linux distros.

📥 Download -

This useful password cracking tool can be downloaded in different versions for Linux, OSX, and Windows. This tool can be downloaded from it's official website given below -


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Job opportunity for PHP Developers

If you're a PHP Developer and want to get paid, so you can work for me. I can give small and big task.

Eligibility -

- Have good knowledge in PHP with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, MySQL.

- It's ok, if you have somewhat knowledge in JavaScript or MySQL.

About Salary -

Salary depends on, how big the task is, and will be given in 24 - 48 hrs. after a task completion.

How to apply -

- Just say PHPJOB to the bot @HarshHackerBot then I'll personally contact you.


📃 Some Useful Website's List 📃

1. Screenr.com :- This website helps you Record movies on your computer  and send them straight to YouTube.

2. Bounceapp.com :- For capturing full length screenshots of  a web pages.

3. Goo.gl :- Shorten long URLs and convert URLs into QR codes.

4. untiny.me :- Find the original URLs that's hiding behind a short URLs.

5. localti.me :- Know more than just the local time of a city

6. copypastecharacter.com :- Copy-paste special characters that are not on your keyboard.

7. topsy.com :- A better search engine for twitter.

8. fb.me/AppStore :- Search iOS apps without launching iTunes.

9. iconfinder.com :- The best place to find icons of all sizes.

10. office.com :- Download templates, clipart and images for your Office documents.

11. woorank.com :- everything you wanted to know about a website.

12. virustotal.com :- Scan any suspicious file or email attachment for viruses.

13. wolframalpha.com :- Gets answers directly without searching .

14. printwhatyoulike.com :- Print web pages without the clutter.

15. joliprint.com :- Reformats news articles and blog content as a newspaper.

16. isnsfw.com :- When you wish to share a NSFW page but with a warning.

17. eggtimer.com :- A simple online timer for your daily needs.

18. coralcdn.org :- If a site is down due to heavy traffic, try accessing it through coral CDN.

19. random.org :- Pick random numbers, flip coins, and more.

20. mywot.com :- Check the trust level of any website .

21. viewer.zoho.com :- Preview PDFs and Presentations directly in the browser.

22. tubemogul.com :- Simultaneously upload videos to YouTube and other video sites.

23. truveo.com :- The best place for searching web videos.

24. scr.im :- Share your email address online without worrying about spam.

25. spypig.com :- Now get read receipts for your email.

26. sizeasy.com :- Visualize and compare the size of any product.

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