
Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
Toifa: ko‘rsatilmagan

For all those "who aren't really there upstairs"..u could hand your work to @VibrantBITZ and @Hanna1221. Be reminded we are all instinctly far from sane at times.

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ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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Muser_ÃBRSH dan repost
Stay with me
sam smith

she fidgets on a regular basis,awkward is her spice in every one of her meet cutes
people take her for a confused girl when its only her mind that processed too much at a young age and deduced that nothing is safe
so she believes her words are sharp like a knife
And her eyes give away too much secret
So don't judge her when she keeps a straight face and answers your questions slower than anyone

Happy valentine's day ya'll❤️💋👹💃hope ya'll got a chocolate🍫🍫or gave someone one😜

You didnt brush her through the flames,did you
You decided to take your time
You left her burning in her own skin
burning till all that was left was the dying echoes of her pleas
you took your time
n we heard words of agony ripple out of that pit,words unspoken of
yet you didnt seem to mind
Of the impotent language she had produced
you simply carried on
in the end 'seems you weld her into something beautiful
Yet am scared to see her this way
she's nomore one to be shy
Or smile a little and laugh too much
am scared to stay in her skin
maybe you weld her into a beast
am scared
fearing she might attack

This is a war
the sun wont be shining upon
A battle where the moons and stars aren't summoned to
This is the kind of rivalary between good and good
With a sword in my hand and in yours
We trash around the battlefield,tense
but i know you'll win
Just the way you always do
Placing cuts on my skin
With that sharp edge of yours

It got me wondering if you'd ever seen my dirt
if you'd ever notice my fault stained collar
I dont expect you to notice
Though you always do
this is why we fight
why we will always do

Dark Literature dan repost
Unfinished literature #2
Who had the mighty courage to conclude me wrong? Who dared to label me "psychotic" and deny my theories? The so called "society" today ? Or was it the very woman guilty of my existence? Or perhaps was it you who reported me to the elite judges fidgeting with the stings attached to our lifeless and ragged form? Whomever it was listen carefully, for I don't speak twice and my words carry mystery. I was raised with sorrow and misery, they raised me in a cell where I longed to be free. Believe me when I say dear child, you don't know my history... The deeper you go the more brutal it may be.

she slowly dragged her heels
across the chipped wood floor of the bar
her eyes seem to be searching for someone in the crowd
not anyone in specific tho
Just for a pair of thirsty eyes
Those lusty ones that trigger her heart
Trick her mind into believing she's more than the plastic she was
Just the night's acceptance for her body
trying to get approval in a cheap bar
it's a young night
Young as unconcieved self love

Hello psycotic lovelys😘.. you know i was just wondering🤔,(just wondering, don't be offended or such😅) if we were all to be sane😐 boring this life would turn out to be. There won't be any breaking news about how a guy set himself on fire🔥. There won't be a cartoon with turns and wack humors,no plots of a serial killer taking a turn at night🔪🔪. All would be good😒,and by no means that would be healthy(though health we,ourselves, cannot ensure🤷‍♀). I was thinking of how everything will have a reason...and reason my friends, is not fun. Life would be dull as every country trends on profits and schools teach about how poetry risides only in between the sheets of paper we call books. Shakespear would be another man with passion trapped in the chronology of time👴. Life would take its toll down the garbage called sanity...and sanity is a frictionless floor. It never promises stability. One would slip, one would eventually fall . Fall deep in to the insanity beneath the glaciers💧.

I will give you my all
he said
repeating every sentence he heard from the late night sitcoms he watched
thinking they came in handy
she looked up into his victory lit eyes with absolete ditaste and said
Do you like scars
cause i got a bunch of them
Scars beaneath the skin and covering my darn body
do you fancy scars
she kept rambling
even after seeing the pure dread in his eyes
Do you despise scars?
cause scars made me
Once i got from accidents,and few from unspoken ones
they cover every inch of my delicate skin you so crave
i'm brushed with flaws
they are what i wear
They are my truth and my peaceful haven
She held his arm as he was bout to walk away
where are you going
i thought you said you'd never leave
Promised to the stars above

He shook her hands off of him
and said, a star fell
one that i wished to
nagged me till i walk away
pity,she dont know her worth

Don't close your eyes because the night is dark


~these arcades
Our dust covered dreams lie amidst the abandoned arcades of time
They are places we prone to visit when we need to cry,shout or release a pent up energy
These arcades used to run a hard business
They climb the top of the mountain and raised their flag high
They saved our dreams in every one of their games
Till we watched it all collape

You were her knight.But no,not in your shining armour. You could barely afford to play prince charming,cheesy was never your taste.You were like the bottle of cavair she saved to open on her flashy success night.A raw red gown she secluded for that day. You are as sweet as the last words of her prayer. Her last touches on her makeup. To say she needs you would be an overstatement.nevertheless you are her cherry on top.

Dark Literature dan repost
"If something fades in the sun, it becomes history. If something gets bathed in the moonlight, it becomes a myth"

Maybe i missed my old self writing those letters to you.Locking eyes too long and have it rough to see you with another. I can certainly say we lived every moment of romance ever written in books. It had me thinking i was on top of the world.Maybe i'm just fond of those memories like a kid with a ragged doll she keeps next to her new ones. Yet she seems to have already grown up.

staring at the sillhoete of his shattered form floating ,while standing knee deep in the ocean
the floursent he held just above his head kept the stars from reflecting on the dark fluid
Hearing the wind whistle by from the coast of bermuda to the coast where he soak his feet in the cold water
mindlessly, He turnt around and threw the flourescent to the deck,
It landed in the sand with a shuffle,the light bickering under the moon light
tipsy from the glass of vodka he gulped down a while ago,He took a step nearer to the dimly lit ocean
feeling the pebles under his feet roll away to the depth
he inhaled deeply
with only a thought on his mind
goosebumps ,and dived in

When you were making a reputation for yourself
i was in bed staring at the screen of my laptop laughing out loud at park seo joon's jokes
When you were repping the hall with that smug face of yours and that thin pale skin streching to cover your iced up heart
I thought the supermarket icecream tasted too icy for my throat

You meant of no significance
even when your hand searched for a switch on my back
Time sure flew by
and now i'm wondering if you'd ever meant it out of love

Gazing far across the ocean into the bitterly luminous sunset
watching the sun float into the night
She stood on her tip toes
paining her nails from the stroke of the sand
Just to make the ending last,last a bit longer, for the two hearts beating in rythm
Singing the songs of the clear sand
They're nomore
As she watched they're dreams set into the night
she left with a wish
A wish to the stars
For the unfortunates

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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