Dark Literature

Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
Toifa: ko‘rsatilmagan

Escape from reality. Please submit your work through @hanna1221 and feel free to share your darkest thoughts. Enjoy!

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ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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What makes you cringe in disgust? What wakes you up at 2 in the morning drenched in your sweat and tears? What makes you scream in utter horror and fear? What brings out the worst in you? What's your darkness?

I lied when I said I liked the darkness. I lied when I said it remained loyal and warm. The darkness is cold and lonely. However, I can't deny its honesty. Unlike the light the darkness doesn't have colors, it doesn't change, fake or hide its true form... The dark stays honest.

Unfinished literature #5
Last night while I was dreaming
I saw an angel so appealing
It said it wanted to save me
From all the demons chasing me
I couldn't speak my tongue was tied
I couldn't see through its bright light
I closed my eyes and got on my knees
Begging to recieve everlasting peace
"I lost my way" I thought in fear
Trembling as I wiped my tear
"You're strong inside, dear child" it spoke
With a powerful deep silky tone
With a bruised heart, I

Unfinished literature #4
I kept on listening... Listening to the slightest crack of the walls that surrounded me, the faint smell of dust lingers in the air mixed with a hint of alcohol as your breath hits my nostrils

Unfinished literature#3
There is a house between the trees. A house so huge, so tempting and impure. With a poised state it fits right in... With the deep mountains and creepy stale trees. But that creepy old house keeps thrashing around... It's perfect exterior hides the chaos inside. The demons stop by, ringing the bell, I open the door and welcome their stay. Oh how I hate this house that keeps feeding on me... Taking a piece of me daily. As if a protein bar it bites into my soul enjoying my fuming, burning soul. Oh dear, what have I done! Have I let too many demons in? Have I let them rule me as they wish? Were they the only ones with power? Why did I let myself cower?

Unfinished literature #2
Who had the mighty courage to conclude me wrong? Who dared to label me "psychotic" and deny my theories? The so called "society" today ? Or was it the very woman guilty of my existence? Or perhaps was it you who reported me to the elite judges fidgeting with the stings attached to our lifeless and ragged form? Whomever it was listen carefully, for I don't speak twice and my words carry mystery. I was raised with sorrow and misery, they raised me in a cell where I longed to be free. Believe me when I say dear child, you don't know my history... The deeper you go the more brutal it may be.

Unfinished Literature #1
Take my life not hers
My existence matters less
Her pure soul should be kept clean
Untouched and forever pristine
A lady of uncorrupted soul

Anim dan repost
Is it okay to lay awake at night scared of my dreams?
Is it okay to feel sane while my head is filled with screams?
Is it okay that I find peace in my worst nightmares?
Is it okay that I can do things the devil never dares?
Is it okay that I have caged part of me inside?
Is it okay if u told u that half of me has died?
Is it okay if u knew that I can't cry at all?
Is it okay if there are thoughts I can't control?
Is it okay that my heart is a frozen stone?
Is it okay if there are sins I can't atone?
Is it okay if there are urges I can't control?
Is it okay if I am not okay at all

Hey guys, so I have so many unfinished literature but Idk what to do with it so I might just post it so you guys can help me out.

Catharsis of existence dan repost
"For the normal man, life is an undisputed reality; only the sick man is delighted by life and praises it so that he won't collapse. And what about the man who cannot praise either life or the spirit?"
-Emil Cioran, On the Heights of Despair

Catharsis of existence dan repost
"The cradle rocks above an abyss, and common sense tells us that our existence is but a brief crack of light between two eternities of darkness. Although the two are identical twins, man, as a rule, views the prenatal abyss with more calm than the one he is heading for."

-Vladimir Nabokov, Speak, Memory

Catharsis of existence dan repost
It is foolish to hate people before you know them.
You will find ample reasons later.😌

Breath of LSD dan repost
We all need something to help us unwind at the end of the day. You might have a glass of wine, or a joint, or a big delicious blob of heroin to silence your silly brainbox of its witterings but there has to be some form of punctuation, or life just seems utterly relentless.
~Russell Brand, My Booky Wook

Breath of LSD dan repost
It's a good thing most people bleed on the inside or this would be a gory, blood-smeared earth.
~Beatrice Sparks, Go ask Alice

Sane......maybe dan repost
staring at the sillhoete of his shattered form floating ,while standing knee deep in the ocean
the floursent he held just above his head kept the stars from reflecting on the dark fluid
Hearing the wind whistle by from the coast of bermuda to the coast where he soak his feet in the cold water
mindlessly, He turnt around and threw the flourescent to the deck,
It landed in the sand with a shuffle,the light bickering under the moon light
tipsy from the glass of vodka he gulped down a while ago,He took a step nearer to the dimly lit ocean
feeling the pebles under his feet roll away to the depth
he inhaled deeply
with only a thought on his mind
goosebumps ,and dived in

"If something fades in the sun, it becomes history. If something gets bathed in the moonlight, it becomes a myth"

N9NE TYMS dan repost
Gotta burst out 'fore I burn out
'Fore I make a mess, 'fore I turn down.....every wise quest. Before i Form a wall, to block tensions in relations.

Please save me I'm drowning,
But make sure I ain't crownin'
Deserve none , 'xcept frowning
Its numbness I'm bound in....😶

Hope you enjoy our new group guys!

Sane......maybe dan repost
Its hardly a finger print
A brush of her DNA against his
She stood still in the middle of the crime scene observing his dead
Rotting away in his own skin
She never knew but she took his breath away
Clueless of her evil deed
she ignited a fire to his soul
One that burnt him down to a corpse

Death from the feel of her finger tips

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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