Woden's Folk

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Esoteric Folkish Wodenism, The English Mysteries, The Warrior Arts, Ar-Kan Rune-Lag 33-rune system, The Cultic-Warrior, The White Dragon Mysteries, The Hooded Man Mysteries, Ancient Mysteries of Thule-Hyoerborea, Woden & the Aryan Krist.

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The Ar-Kan Runes on a Runic Flag used by Woden's Folk.

For those who would like to make their own rune-set, I have covered this on my Ar-Kan Rune-Lag Blog on Google Blogger. In short, to make the runes I used ROWAN wood, since 'rowan' stems from the same root as 'rune'. This is the 'Mountain Ash' bearing Red Berries. The runes are cut from around a half-inch (no metric measures here) rowan twigs, burned on, and then carved with a knife (use one kept just for this) to make them neater, and then stained with Red Ochre, then in order to preserve the wood left in Linseed Oil (Flax is sacred to Freya).

This is the 'Stone of At-al-land' which the late Asbeorn (an Odinist Magician) found for me on the Moray Firth in the Scottish Highlands. This stone is obviously molten rock, and Asbeorn, being a 'Seer' told me that it came from within the Earth after a great catastrophe that split the Scottish Highlands around 8,000 years ago. Asbeorn and Hervor initiated me, on the Moray Firth, into the Circle of Ostara many years ago. At the time two Sea-Eagles swept down above us from the cliffs above - 'When Eagles screamed....'

Woden's Folk at Wayland's Smithy.

The 'Nine Glory-Twigs' of Woden, from which all 33 of the Ar-Kan Runes can be found. This is the 'Mother-Rune' out of which the runes are 'born'.

The Black Sun - a crop formation that appeared in Wiltshire on 8th August 2015 (8-8-8).

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Ar-Kan Rune-Postures

In the Vedas the COW is symbolic of SWAR, the Highest State of Consciousness, that of Truth, Light and Right; this is the 'Solar-Consciousness'. So the 'Cow' here is symbolic of this higher state of consciousness, open only to the 'Seers' (Those who See). The symbolism of the Golden Objects here is also of this higher state of consciousness; the end of the tale has Jack's father being the rightful owner of the Gold Hoard, which was stolen by the Ogre. The key here is the Runic Gealdor - FE-FI-FO-FUM which invokes the power of the Feoh-Rune - the meaning of which is 'Cattle' (The Cow), and later 'Gold' (The Solar Knowledge); Here we have yet another parallel between the Germanic Lore and Vedic Lore of the Arya. This form the basis of so many myths based upon the stealing of the Light, Gold, or Cattle by the Joten, which have to be retrieved by either the Sun-Hero or one of the Gods. The 'beanstalk' winds anti-sunwise in the Northern Hemisphere, and is symbolic here of a journey between two worlds, or two states of consciousness. When the Ogre says he will 'grins his bones to make my bread' this is in fact suggestive of the World Mill and the Precession of the Equinoxes.

Are you sitting comfortably? Then I shall begin my tale - Jack is sent by his mother to sell a COW because the family are so poor; but on the way to the market he meets a stranger who offers him a packet of Magic Beans for the cow. When he gets back his mother is furious and 'kicks his ass', so Jack throws the Magic Beans out onto the garden. The next morning Jack sees that the beans have grown into a huge beanstalk, reaching up to the sky, so he begins to climb up the beanstalk. At the top he comes across an Ogre who guards a Golden Hen laying Golden Eggs, which Jack steals from the Ogre, escaping down the beanstalk again. He climbs the beanstalk again, this time stealing the Golden Coins, and a third time, stealing the Golden Harp that plays by itself. But on the third occasion the Ogre appears, and Jack is hidden in the oven by the Ogre's wife. The Ogre exclaims - "FE-FI-FO-FUM, I smell the Blood of an Englishman, be he alive or be he dead, I'll grind his bones to make my bread".

This image is that of the Persian 'God of Light' - Ahura Mazda. Notice here the stance of the Os-Rune, and the Rod and Ring carried by the High God. The Os-Rune is the 'Rune of Woden' as the High God (All-Father). The 'Rod of Authority' and the 'Ring of Power' is shown on so many God-Kings and God-Forms in the Os-Rune stance that it must be a very ancient Aryan Symbol.

This image is one of the APKALLU, the 'Seven Sages', who appear after a Great Flood to aid mankind rebuild their lost civilisations. They appear as the APKALLU (or similar names) in Sumer, Babylon, Akkad etc. and as the SEVEN RISHIS in Aryan India. Note the 'water-carrier' shown here, and the Ac-Rune Stance which they always appear as taking. The 'water-carrier' also appears in stone carvings from the recently excavated Gobleki Tepi, dated around 12,000 years old. It may be that the Seven Sons of Mimir have something to do with the same ideas.

There is one fundamental difference between the Old Testament 'god' and the New Testament 'god', and I would like to consider this here. If there are Christians who read this, please do not think I am 'taking the mick' when I tell the story in such a way. I have done it thus because it is rather silly to take the symbolism in a literal sense when it is obviously symbolism. - In Genesis we find that 'God' (El Shaddai) is taking his morning stroll through the Garden of Eden, when he comes across Adam and Eve, each wearing a Fig-Leaf. Infuriated he knows that they have eaten of the Tree of Knowledge, and thus now know Good and Evil (i.e. they are now self-conscious). In order that the do not 'eat of the Tree of Life' and thus become 'as gods' (yes, 'gods', this is the wording) he throws them out of the Garden of Eden. The 'Tree of Life' here symbolises Immortality, El Shaddai (Jehovah) stops them from attaining immortality to become 'as gods'. If we 'fast-forward' to the New Testament we find a curious statement from Krist - 'To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the Tree of Life'. Here the Solar-Krist promises those who overcome their human limitations a chance to become Immortal, like the Gods. In reality a chance to REGAIN their immortality, lost when Man fell from his Divine Nature into the material world, now firmly locked in the material world. ('El Shaddai' is the name twice used in Genesis of Jehovah; this is the Shaddain of the Sajaha Prophecies from Babylon.

"Ek In Unwurdsa - Ek Thikskoad" - "I am the Immortal - I watch you."

AEPANDI NAM - The words uttered by Woden as he 'fell' to recover the Holy Runes after his ordeal of being sacrificed 'Myself to Myself' on the World Tree, pierced by a Spear, with neither food nor mead to sustain him. The term AEpa refers to the Waters of the Underworld, as in the term Abzu (Sumer) and Apsu (Akkad-Babylon); the IE Root *ap- means 'water'. The Sanskrit apah means 'waters'. AEPA - 'to cry out', AEP - 'a Shout of Need', AP (Old Norse) - 'a Cry of Need', ANDA/ANDI - 'breath', or 'secret'. To back this up we have the New Testament idea of the 'Bottomless Pit' which is named Abaddon (Hebrew) or Apollyon (Greek). The 'Lower World' is called NID (NITH), and nithi means 'subterranean world'. Basically, Woden recovers the Ancient Runes from the 'Blood Memory' in the Nether-World of Mimir ('Memory'). This is where Woden's Eye is found, when he sacrificed an Eye for a draft from the Well of Mimir.

The Peorth-Rune turned thus creates the 'Dice-Cup', the cup used in the Taefl-Board. (The Taefl Pieces are symbolised by the Stan-Rune). This is also the Swan-Ship of At-al-land, which sails upon the Waters of Dissolution at the end of a world-age. Sheaf-Ing also sailed in the Swan-Ship as the 'Swan-Knight'. The ship is also a symbol often used to denote a journey from one world to another. Playing the Taefl would be a kind of ritual of the 'repetition of an archetype' which brings that archetype into the physical world. "...the repetition of an archetypal action is performed in illo tempore by Ancestors or by Gods...By its repetition the act coincides with its archetype, and time is abolished.' Mercia Eliade.

Here we see two figures playing Taefl, both in the Peorth-Rune posture. Taefl would originally not have been a mere board-game played for pleasure, but would have been the means to be able to use the Gateway to the Other-World, and thus enter other states of being. That the figure on the right has a Ritual Horn shows this to be a form of Religious Rite. In regard to this, the 'Golden Tablets' that are found in the 'New World' after Ragnarok thus exist in the Other-World ('Greenland') which is why they are found after the Great Catastrophe - it is the 'Inner Earth' that arises from the Waters of Destruction - a world of a higher vibration.

The Beorc-Rune is the Pregnant Mother, whilst the Peorth-Rune is the Mother giving birth, as well as being the Foetus in the Womb. This is a 'birth-rune', which can be used for 'birthing' in magical rites. But it is also a rune used as a 'portal' or 'gateway' into the Other-World, much like the Spiral Symbol. There is no 'p' used in the Germanic Tongue, so this could also hide the secret of it being 'Weorth' or Wyrd - Rune of Wyrd. This is a 'Rune of Chance', and the rune shows the posture used to play Taefl, a game no doubt once played with dice - when turn on its back it is the 'Dice-Cup'.

The figure here shown in the 'boat' is of a Red-Bearded White God holding what appear to be two 'Crosses' or 'Thunor's Hammers', one in each hand. The boat has twin serpents , and a WHITE STONE at the bottom. The symbols on the 'heads' at the sides are XX-X which are the same as the runes on the White Stone of Ing. This is a Mayan Stela.

"So he not refused World-Ruler/Then him Hun-Bequest Battle-Flame/Sword best, on bosom lay'Thus be with Eoten, edge-known." - Beowulf. I have kept the quote from Beowulf to a minimum, but these are the main parts of a very important piece for the English Folk. The term 'worold-raedenne' is usually translated as 'Way of the World' (like German weltanshauung), but it can mean 'World-Ruler' which fits the theme much better. Hengest takes up his role given by Wyrd as the 'World-Ruler' - KING OF KINGS or LORD OF LORDS. To do so he is passed the Sword of AEtla the Hun (Attila), which is here the 'Hun-Bequest' (Hunlafing) - 'Battle-Flame' (Hilde-leoman); he takes on the Wyrd of AEtla as the 'World-Ravager', leading the Engel-Kin to these islands to counter the rising Religion of Evil (Judaeo-Christianity). Of course, this would not be obvious to those who took part, but it would have been done at more of a subconscious level - guided by the Gods. Hengest is the 'Geist of Ing' or 'Spirit of Ing'. Now, in this piece (not shown) are two words - Eoten and Eotenum - the former usually translated as 'Giants' and the latter 'Jutes', which is rather odd. It seems that both of these refer to the Eoten or Joten, who would have been well aware of the power of the Hun-Sword, since AEtla nearly brought down the Roman Empire, but stopped at the gates of Rome. If we study the figure of AEtla he knew himself as the 'World-Ruler' because he claimed to be the figure in Revelation who was to 'rule with a rod of iron', and the 'Scourge of God', i.e. the Old Testament 'god'. AEtla slew his brother Blaeda which tells us that he is part of the Archetypal Myth of the Divine Horse Twins.

In regard to the term 'silly' in the piece on Silbury Hill, it is not always well known that the term 'giddy' stems from an Germanic Root *gudigaz which means 'Possessed by a God'. This is something that happens to individuals who are 'Possessed by a God'. Also, the word 'hallucination' is said to mean 'error', 'delusion', or 'perception of things that do not exist'. However, if you look up the same word up in a dictionary of around 100 years ago it means 'wandering of the mind'. This meaning is totally different, and shows how our word-hoard has been distorted. It is most likely that 'hallucination' comes from the IE Root *alu- meaning 'to put under a magical spell'.

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