l. Due to @telegram 's new priv police. this channel only used for roleplayer purpose. I get all the media here from Pinterest, fan accounts, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, Haechan personal Instagram ( @Haechanahceah ), etc.
ll. If you are grammar police, side acc, toxic and nsfw phobic, 1k++ subs, admin upsubs, rprl area, and problematic please DNI. You can leave my channel and make sure you remove ( @ngabv ) from your channel.
l. Due to @telegram 's new priv police. this channel only used for roleplayer purpose. I get all the media here from Pinterest, fan accounts, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, Haechan personal Instagram ( @Haechanahceah ), etc.
ll. If you are grammar police, side acc, toxic and nsfw phobic, 1k++ subs, admin upsubs, rprl area, and problematic please DNI. You can leave my channel and make sure you remove ( @ngabv ) from your channel.