[HFW] Neverending Story

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archive disinii @rhchive
bot @rafishbot

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udah berkeliling ke ch ch #RH


help fw ay, thank uu

[HFW] karna NCT DREAM mau comeback jadi buat NCT DREAM rp-ers yang mau ikutan absen coba kirim nn sama username ke @rafishbot

🗳 I Love

- Naoi Rei

👥 1 people have voted so far.
📖 Personal Participation

🚫 This poll is closed...

📝 pesan rahasia buat @haechan6
jangan p
ake bc

👤 kenapaa bisaa se gantengg ini? kerennn bangett jugaa

👤 Keliatannya kamu anak nya asik, tapi jangan lupa buat bahagia yah, maksih karena udah bertahan sampai sejauh ini

👤 jangan lupa bahagia

👤 you're a good person, take care and be yourself yapps

👤 Hello rafis hope we can be a good mutual anw pls stay healty n always be happy

👤 kece bgt rapis

👤 Tetap semangat walau stress berat

👤 rafis kerennn

👤 lo keceeee😵‍💫😵‍💫

👤 if you’re always thinking about problems and failures, you’re going to get more problems and failures.

👤 lo luar biasa, senang bisa kenal lo, be happy as you should

👤 Jaga kesehatan dan selalu bahagia

👤 km kerrren

👤 kamuuuuu kerenn, kamuu hebattt bangetttt, terimakasih sudaahh bertahan sampai sekarang yaaa

👤 kull bet

👤 sorry tapi...ihacoy serius

👤 Keren banget

👤 kereeen and cool abis

👤 ily

👤 hallouu km, km tebak ak sapa hahaa ^ U ^ kamu ingat besok senin pasti ada kegiatan pagi² istirahat yg cukup yaa🤍

👤 Keren banget.

👤 sangat sangat keren, tutor dong

👤 lo keren sih, anw be happy ya. kalau cape istirahat brow
jangan dipaksain.

👤 tutor keren banh

👤 kamu keren banget

👤 Saya harap kamu bisa lebih kuat ke depannya karena kadang dunia tidak baik

👤 lo keren

👤 You've done your best and you deserve to be happy, don't be too tired and make you sick

👤 Lu keren

👤 Don't push yourself too hard

👤 rafis ni kenapa bisa keren bangettt

👤 kidz suer loe kece abiezzzz

👤 pacaran yukk :p

👤 suer lo keren, tapi lucu juga

👤 pis ganteng amat, will yu bi min?

👤 cakep kak, kiw kiw

👤 Rapis keren anjay Mabar slebew


👤 tidur yang cukup

👤 Rafis ganteng, sehat selalu ya.

👤 semangat terus ya jangan lupa untuk jaga kesehatan juga


👤 Km kulbet coy

👤 Om sangat keren dan kul tapi kenapa rada nyebelin juga ya

👤 Kenapa bisa kerenn, anw jangan lupa buat jaga kesehatann

👥 50 people have voted so far.
📖 Anonymous Board

lupa bilang kalau bracketnya #RH


The endowment lamebrained panoply to them. Strange black shadows around it. Divine abode's voices witnessed spawn diehards to exclude xyr undertaking. A large number of boys there made a crowded room with the sound of these boys singing.
There are even some of them who accompany their singing with rapping and dances that use accomplishment techniques. Seven boys bring talents with them united in one, NCT DREAM


His elegant style and handsome
face is the perfection of men. His
charming smile always makes
women fall in love with him,
Lee Haechan.

Rafis Hakala Rafis Hakala Rafis Hakala
Rafis Hakala Rafis Hakala Rafis Hakala
Rafis Hakala Rafis Hakala Rafis Hakala
Rafis Hakala Rafis Hakala Rafis Hakala
Rafis Hakala Rafis Hakala Rafis Hakala
Rafis Hakala Rafis Hakala Rafis Hakala


l. Due to @telegram 's new priv police. this channel only used for roleplayer purpose. I get all the media here from Pinterest, fan accounts, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, Haechan personal Instagram ( @Haechanahceah ), etc.

ll. If you are grammar police, side acc, toxic and nsfw phobic, 1k++ subs, admin upsubs, rprl area, and problematic please DNI. You can leave my channel and make sure you remove ( @ngabv ) from your channel.

15 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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