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This video shows the energies coming into our Magnetosphere over the last 12+ hours.
What you're seeing is a view of Earth from our satellite.
The black and white circle denotes our planet.
The white side is sun-facing, and the black side is the dark side of the planet.
Then we have this beautiful half-circle that looks a bit like a rubber band. That is the bow shock, and it helps reflect energy from the Sun.
You'll notice a lot of the big energy is coming in off the backside of the sun.
Those energies are being sent in by our Galactic Famlies.
The forecast today is for increased Solar Winds continuing to push in.
Effects from the CME and Solar Flares are with us all day.
KP levels rising and Solar Storm levels up to G2.
Flux Energies, more Solar Flares & CME'S expected.
We have powerful energies of all kinds hitting our planet and will continue as the day progresses
It's a day to listen to your system.
Let it guide what you need uniquely in these big energies.
Rest, Hydrate, Ground, Meditate & BE.
Special thank you to @shaleyscottmusic
Hold The Light - Music & Lyrics by Shaley Scott
Much love and light,
-SA Smith
#IAM #ascensionprocess
#love #5dearth #newearth
#source #a_girl_in_the_universe #5d
#spiritguide #5dascension
#higherpower #frequency #grandsolarflash
This video shows the energies coming into our Magnetosphere over the last 12+ hours.
What you're seeing is a view of Earth from our satellite.
The black and white circle denotes our planet.
The white side is sun-facing, and the black side is the dark side of the planet.
Then we have this beautiful half-circle that looks a bit like a rubber band. That is the bow shock, and it helps reflect energy from the Sun.
You'll notice a lot of the big energy is coming in off the backside of the sun.
Those energies are being sent in by our Galactic Famlies.
The forecast today is for increased Solar Winds continuing to push in.
Effects from the CME and Solar Flares are with us all day.
KP levels rising and Solar Storm levels up to G2.
Flux Energies, more Solar Flares & CME'S expected.
We have powerful energies of all kinds hitting our planet and will continue as the day progresses
It's a day to listen to your system.
Let it guide what you need uniquely in these big energies.
Rest, Hydrate, Ground, Meditate & BE.
Special thank you to @shaleyscottmusic
Hold The Light - Music & Lyrics by Shaley Scott
Much love and light,
-SA Smith
#IAM #ascensionprocess
#love #5dearth #newearth
#source #a_girl_in_the_universe #5d
#spiritguide #5dascension
#higherpower #frequency #grandsolarflash