Ahmad Qodiriy || Blog

Kanal geosi va tili: Butun dunyo, Inglizcha
Toifa: Bloglar

CELTA qualified EFL teacher.
BA and MA in English studies.
Love traveling, books, and simple life.
Contact @AhmadQodirov for Questions & Offers

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Kanal geosi va tili
Butun dunyo, Inglizcha
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O'quvchilarimga o'xshab zo'r natija qilmoqchi bo'lsangiz, bu hafta keling @RIKSeducation ga.

Yaqinda nasib IELTS guruh biri ochiladi. Joylar bizda haqiqatdan chegaralangan 😉

RIKS Education dan repost
Oʻquvchilarimizdan olov natijalar🔥

Listening —9
Reading —9

🥳 Bu ustozning natijasi deb oʻylayapsizmi? Yoʻq, bu oʻquvchimiz Muborizning natijasi. Oʻquvchilarimiz koʻzni quvnatadigan IELTS 8 / 7 / 7.5 natijalarni qayd etishdi.

Bu shunchaki raqamlar emas, qattiq mehnat, intizom va toʻgʻri strategiyaning samarasi. Ularni va ustozlarini ushbu yutuqlari bilan chin dildan tabriklaymiz! 👏

🙌 Biz esa oʻquvchilarimizga eng samarali yoʻnalishlarni koʻrsatishda davom etamiz.

Agar siz ham shunday natijani xohlasangiz, biz bilan tayyorgarlikni boshlang!

☎️ +998712003833
👉 @riksgroup

#BookReview of The Count of Monte Cristo

This book is written by the same author of The Three Musketeers. The central character Edmond Dante is a really good and kind young man, but he goes through lots of difficulties because he was about to become a captain of a big ship and to marry a beautiful woman. Yet he was put into a prison where he was most likely to die. What happens next, you can read to find out.

I was really absorbed in this book flickering through pages. The plot is really interesting and the creativity of author is good.

Rating 7.5/10

This week I will be reading 'Graded readers' so I can recommend a good book for my General English learners.



I have finished the book today and the beginning seemed really vague and nonsense. But I found the chapters that focused on 4 agreements really helpful.

✍️Be impeccable with your word – Speak with integrity, say only what you mean, and use your words to spread truth and positivity, not harm.

✍️Don't take anything personally – Other people’s actions and words are a reflection of their reality, not yours. Avoid unnecessary suffering by not internalizing their negativity.

✍️Don't make assumptions – Communicate clearly and ask questions instead of assuming, to avoid misunderstandings and unnecessary conflicts.

✍️Always do your best – Give your best effort in every situation, recognizing that your best will vary from moment to moment. This prevents self-judgment and regret.

If we follow this advice, author says, life on Earth becomes heaven and we live a happy good life which I completely agree with.

This book was a light-reading that you can finish in a day or two.

#Rating 8/10

Started this week and will share my insights today.

What are you reading?

Things will pass. May you win the battles you don’t talk about.


Find what you would die for

Then live for it.

Assalom alaykum everyone,
Except people who are not attending their classes because of snow ❄️

Ozodbek Botiraliev dan repost
Bepul Writing Marathon ✍️

🌙 Ramazon munosabati bilan, IELTS 9.0 sohibi tomonidan kichik tuhfa!

Writingdan qiynalib yurgan o’quvchilar uchun ajoyib imkoniyat.

🚀 Start: Ramazonning birinchi kuni!

Marafon mutlaqo bepul va ochiq! Qo‘shilish uchun hoziroq linkni bosing:


Guys kichkina yordamilar kere 🤲🏻🤲🏻🤲🏻

Shu kanalimizi do’stlar bilan share qivorilar. Men uchun bu katta motivatsiya bo’ladi va ko’pro foydali kontent chiqarishga harakat qilaman

Kanalimiz linki:


Kanali borlar share qivorsa nur ustiga alo nur 😇

Shoutout to a Real Pro!

Although Ulug'bek is arguably the strongest niner right now, he remains humble enough to acknowledge that teaching is a skill that always has room for improvement. This mindset makes him a true role model—showing that even with a Band 9, great teaching requires continuous learning. A perfect score alone doesn’t make a great teacher, but a willingness to improve does. 💪👏

I can attest to that. As a niner, I don't think I'm a good teacher.


There’s an absurd obsession with IELTS Band 9.0 being the ultimate qualification for teaching. While it's an impressive score, it only proves language proficiency, NOT teaching ability. Yet, some people believe a high score alone makes someone a great teacher.


A true educator understands methodologies, student engagement techniques, scaffolding, error correction, and lesson structuring. A teacher’s job is not to show off their expertise but to *transfer* knowledge effectively.


Why? Because they often lack the patience or ability to build language from the ground up. They teach “IELTS techniques” but can’t teach actual English.


If a teacher can’t explain well, students lose motivation regardless of their score. A good teacher fosters curiosity, critical thinking, and self-reliance.


If IELTS 9 = great teacher, why do students still struggle under some 9-band holders? Because teaching is an ART, not a number.

So remember, a good teacher is a TEACHER first, a language expert second.

P.S. My post isn’t meant to discredit the hard work of NINERS. I respect those who not only achieve Band 9 but also strive to master teaching. My point is to guide students toward real educators and encourage NINERS to develop solid teaching skills.

I will make a follow-up post, this time more detailed to the last one, hope this would suffice ending this conversation. If it doesn't, I will follow the advice in photo.

IELTS 9.0 does not equal to being a good teacher.

3.3k 1 11 24 50

The Renaissance Man dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

Feel free to contact @AhmadQodirov for help to register for the IELTS test.

Or please use the following link when you register for the IELTS exam via IDP. https://ielts.idp.com/book/IELTS?RA=90a69acf-3931-4a6d-9332-c1d1d966f221

and get free access to any of my IELTS skill marathons.

100% free. Join to have productive Sunday

Speaking Battle channel dan repost
Join us this Sunday for two amazing events in one day!

🗣 Speaking Club
– 11:00
Sharpen your speaking skills, share your thoughts, and engage in exciting discussions.

🎭 Mafia Game
– 13:00
Put on your poker face, test your strategy, and enjoy a thrilling game of Mafia.

Location: RIKS Education

Don’t miss out on a day full of learning and fun! See you there!

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.