Akilkhan Academy

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🇬🇧General english
🏛About universities
📈Business skills
👨‍🎓Personal score: 7
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ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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Hayotda 2 ta muhim kuning bor. Ular - tug'ulgan kuning va .....

Davomini qoldiring: @Akilkhan_Academy
#fikr #akilkhanacademy #quote


College deadlines!
You can apply for those colleges right now.
Steps you need to take to apply for those colleges:
1. Google about the college you want to apply and find the official website to know info about it; Tuition fee, scholarship, requirements.
2. Find the admission page of the website, then click the Apply button.
3. Fill in the application if it doesnt require you to pay for.
4. Wait for the deadline; at least 2 weeks.
5. Acceptance(Congrats) or Rejection(Anyway congrats😄)

Good luck(:


List of colleges I applied and their decisions.

1. Albion college - acceptance - USA.
Scholarship - $32k
2. The University of Arizona - acceptance - USA
Scholarship - $15k
3. University of Montana - acceptance - USA
Scholarship - $5k.
4. Columbia college - acceptance - USA
Scholarship - $12,8k
5. Widener University - acceptance - USA
Scholarship - $33k
6. University of Findlay - acceptance - USA
Scholarship - $5k
7. Webster university - acceptance - Uzbekistan
Scholarship - $0
8. Greenwich University - acceptance - UK
Scholarship - $0
9. St. Joseph's College - acceptance - USA
Scholarship - $17k
10. Ohio Weslayn University - rejection - USA
11. Augustana college - rejection - USA
12. Solent university - rejection - UK
13. Ulster - rejection - UK
14. King's College - rejection - UK
15. New Jersey Institute of Technology - waitlisted - USA
16. University of Brighton - rejection - UK.
17. the University of Massachusetts Amherst - rejection - USA.
18. Colorado State University - rejection - USA.
19. London South Bank University - acceptance - UK.
20. The University of Buckingham - acceptance - UK.

I wonder whether I will apply again or not?😉🤔


Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Pursuit of Happyness - when help approaches!


Maqsad yoki Orzu?
Ko'pchilik bu savolga "Menda maqsad bor" deb javob beribdi lekin farqini bilishadimi?🧐

Maqsad va Orzuni asosiy farqi:
Agar sizda maqsad bo'lsa demak deadline📆 bo'ladi. Masalan, siz IELTS olmoqchisiz va agar "qachondir IELTS olarman yoki kerak bo'lib qolar" desangiz sizda orzu bor. 😴

Lekin agarda siz o'z oldingizga biror ishni qilishdan oldin deadline qo'ysangiz, bu narsa maqsadga aylanadi. Masalan, ingliz tilini Iyungacha o'rganaman va shu oydan IELTS guruhi qo'shilaman🤓, IELTS ni esa Oktabrda olaman deb maqsad qilsangiz bu Haqiqiy maqsadga aylanadi chunki aniq deadlinelar bor.😎

Deadline qo'ydik, maqsad ham bor deylik lekin maqsadimizga faqat deadline quyib erishamizmi? Yo'q! Endi maqsadga erishish uchun ikkinchi qadam bu: harakat. 🏃‍♂🏃‍♀

Agar siz deadline quyib harakat qilmasangiz bu maqsadingiz orzuga aylanib qoladi.🤷‍♂🤷 Masalan, IELTS ni 6 oy uqib olaman deb Oktabr ga deadline qo'ygansiz lekin bu narsaga erishish uchun harakat qilmasangiz Natija ham nolga teng bo'ladi va siz hali ham yettinchi osmonda orzular qilayotganingizni his qilasiz!🙄🤭

P.s. Maqsadni🎯 to'g'ri quying: Deadline va Harakat omadga yetaklovchi 2 omillardir!

Bo'sh vaqtimda shunaqa narsalar yozib turaman, nima deysizlar?🙄


Maqsad yoki Orzu? Desire or Dream?

Sizda Maqsad bormi yoki Orzu?

Leave your commments: @Akilkhan_Academy


How can I score 7+ in IELTS writing section?

Reading and Writing are highly correlated. If you are after a Writing band of 7 , you need to get your written essays checked by someone who can point out the mistakes you are making.
A lot of people waste a lot of time going to English learning centres and mastering grammar. You will make mistakes for sure, however can you string a few error free sentences is the main question. If you write 50 essays, 2 daily and get them marked by someone, in about 4 weeks time you will probably hit an IELTS band score of 7.5-8.

The trick is WRITING. People hate writing, If you were to write in your own mother tongue you might struggle a little bit as well. So WRITE WRITE WRITE.. and practice writing. Once you have written something, get it checked by someone and ask them to point out the errors( If you don't want to get it checked by someone you can use Grammarly, to see which errors you are making w.r.t grammar/sentence construction)

DO NOT .. keep taking the IELTS test over and over again , thinking you are just .05 band away and you can do it on your own. An average IELTS test costs about $200 in Uzbekistan. So if you take the test 4 times , thats about $800. You can pay someone $30- $35 and they will mark about 10-15 essays for you.

READ A LOT.. READ ANYTHING... reading regularly subconsciously trains your mind to spot the errors in your own writing. If you read a lot and then sometimes you try and write something, you will be able to spot the grammatical error in your own writing(you might not know why something is wrong, but you will know it is wrong). Reading also helps you and gives you the ability to say something in many ways.

Read a lot, Write essays , get the essays checked for errors/some feedback ... stay focussed.

Good luck :)


❇️ Codier.io - Frontend Dasturlash bo'yicha tajribangizni oshiring

Codier.io veb saytida ko'pgina qiziqarli vazifalar berib o'tilgan va vazifalar oson darajadan murakkab darajagacha mavjud. Bu vazifalar orqali HTML, CSS, JavaScript bo'yicha tajribangizni mazza qilib mashqlarni bajarish orqali oshirsangiz bo'ladi.
Ko'p foydalanuvchilarimizdan har xil savollar kelib tushmoqda, qanday qilib frontendda o'zimni tajribamni oshirsam bo'ladi yoki qandaydir yaxshiroq topshiriqlar bormi? degan foydalanuvchilarimiz uchun juda foydali sayt.

↗️ Codier.io veb saytiga o'tish - https://codier.io/


College deadlines!
You can apply for those colleges right now.
Steps you need to take to apply for those colleges:
1. Google about the college you want to apply and find the official website to know info about it; Tuition fee, scholarship, requirements.
2. Find the admission page of the website, then click the Apply button.
3. Fill in the application if it doesnt require you to pay for.
4. Wait for the deadline; at least 2 weeks.
5. Acceptance(Congrats) or Rejection(Anyway congrats😄)

Good luck(:


How can you get a high score in IELTS speaking and writing?

For speaking:

Find out what words you have problems pronouncing and try to avoid them. Learn alternative words.

To try use some relevant idiomatic language. Make sure to only use it where appropriate. Using phrases like ‘it’s not my cup of tea’ four times in the test is not appropriate.

Think about your grammar. Be sure to use the past tenses and be able to talk about the future.

Stay on topic. Listen to the question and give an appropriate response.

For writing:

Make sure that you write the correct number of words. Phrases copied from the instructions will be deducted from your word count.

Answer the topic. Don’t deviate. Don’t give your opinions in task 1.

In task 1 be sure to provide a good overview.

In task 2 be sure to use paragraphs

Demonstrate good grammar - sentences using past tenses, future and conditionals.

If appropriate, try to use some idiomatic language.

Divide your sentences and paragraphs with relevant linking words and cohesive structures.


O'zim qatori yoshdagilarga maslahat!

Hozir mazza qilib yashaydigan payt emas. Hozir odam o'zini qiynashi, tinmay o'qishi va ishlashi kerak bo'lgan payt.
Esdan chiqarmanglar

Sen o'z maqsading yo'lida ko'p insonlarni yo'qatasan, aynan shuning uchun ham Bugattida 2 ta joy bor, Avtobusda esa 30 ta.

P.s. Your real friends are your own parents whom you should rely on)

Some people are going out of border)

P.s. Joking is what makes you unhappy

Which IELTS section is the most difficult one for you?
  •   Speaking
  •   Writing
  •   Reading
  •   Listening
71 ta ovoz

Umidsizlik - eng katta muvaffaqiyatsizlikdir. -Jack Ma


Which one would you choose to study in if you had the chance?
  •   King's College London, UK
  •   The University of Arizona, USA
154 ta ovoz

$10k more scholarship from the University of Arizona.
overall amount: $15k


20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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