TON Status (Telegram)
Tool for assessing the effectiveness of validators
The new version of mytonctrl has added a new command check_ef which outputs your validator efficiency data for the last round and for current round. This command retrieves data by calling checkloadall utility.
Previous efficiency score from the status command outdated and has been removed.
To update mytonctrl, type update in the mytonctrl console.
Then type check_ef in the mytonctrl console.
Note that the previous round may not be displayed immediately after the update.
Note that the current round data becomes more accurate towards the end of the round.
Validators with an index less than 100 (sorted by effective stake) please ensure that your efficiency is greater than 90% (for the full round period).
Validators with an index greater than 100 will not receive penalties next week as they do not participate in masterchain validation, but please follow the validator guidelines, as you will be included in the penalty system in future updates.
If you need tech support please contract @mytonctrl_help_bot (validators only).
Tool for assessing the effectiveness of validators
The new version of mytonctrl has added a new command check_ef which outputs your validator efficiency data for the last round and for current round. This command retrieves data by calling checkloadall utility.
Previous efficiency score from the status command outdated and has been removed.
To update mytonctrl, type update in the mytonctrl console.
Then type check_ef in the mytonctrl console.
Note that the previous round may not be displayed immediately after the update.
Note that the current round data becomes more accurate towards the end of the round.
Validators with an index less than 100 (sorted by effective stake) please ensure that your efficiency is greater than 90% (for the full round period).
Validators with an index greater than 100 will not receive penalties next week as they do not participate in masterchain validation, but please follow the validator guidelines, as you will be included in the penalty system in future updates.
If you need tech support please contract @mytonctrl_help_bot (validators only).