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The National Justice Party 🎉 dan repost
The National Justice Party and Evergreen are happy to announce that the gift lists for Operation White Christmas are complete. We have a total of six recipients this year. We are waiting on the final list for some security changes, but here are the first five.

Please share these and help our people in a time of need.






first ADS show. Blake is in the show. good stuff remembering our brother blake88!

Patriot Front dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
#PatriotFront September-October Activism in MO, WA, PA, CO, TX, FL, UT, OH, MI, GA, NC, CA, VA, AZ, DE, VT, MA and MD.

All Videos:




Warren Balogh NJP 💀⚡⚡ dan repost
Great to get out to Waukesha today and help to bring attention to the government and media cover-up of the anti-White hate crime terrorist attack last weekend. People came from all over the country on a very short notice, the day after Thanksgiving no less, to send a message to all those trying to bury this story or pass it off as a "parade tragedy." I got to meet some terrific NJP supporters from Wisconsin and the midwest who came out with us. We had no problems from local police and we got an overwhelming positive response from the townspeople, probably over a hundred cars honked their horns in support of our message in the course of two hours, we also had interest from a local man who stopped to talk with us who was at the Christmas parade with his family. He saw the attacker deliberately veer into people and his children narrowly escaped being hit. It was very sobering to be in a place where such horrific carnage happened so recently and where so many people are grieving and others fighting for life in the hospital, but it was cathartic for all of us to push back in our own small way against such catastrophic injustice.

In the coming days we'll be releasing more about our successful protest today as well as hammering this issue in other ways. We can't let the media or corrupt officials get away with this cover-up, we must continue to demand justice for Waukesha louder and louder until they cannot ignore us any longer.


MEDIA2RISE dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

Nationalist Homestead dan repost
Red van in Detroit today, photographed with white babies holding blocks that spell “ded.” Know your enemy, they celebrate your children being murdered.

Warren Balogh NJP 💀⚡⚡ dan repost
This letter was sent to me by a friend, whose daughter was killed recently in a mass shooting by a Black, which was completely buried by the media.

It was written by his wife, to the parents of the victims of the Waukesha.

To The Grieving Parents of Waukesha

I am sorry for your loss. I am sorry for the pain you are in and the grief you are going to experience. There are no words that can make this better. There is no comfort that can be offered. I only hope you are not alone.

My husband and I recently lost our daughter. She was 24, and she was also murdered by a black man. It has been the most horrible thing that we have ever gone through. Some excuses have been offered, and some people have used her death to further own agendas. The truth is, our baby girl was murder senselessly. Your children were murdered senselessly.

We spend a lot of time trying to cherish the memories we have. We also probably spend too much time thinking of all the memories we were robbed of. I spend a lot of time sobbing over the things I will never get to do for her and with her. The upcoming holidays make it harder.

It’s been a couple of months now, and most people think it’s time for us to go on with life like everything is normal already. I’m not sure what that means, or even looks like. There are days I’m still so angry I can’t see straight, and others I just want to sit at home and cry. But life doesn’t stop for grieving, so we move along as best we can.

I say all of this, to get here. It’s a hard road full of ups and downs. You are not alone. Each of you will be in mine and my husband’s hearts. I asked these guys to publish this letter, because this group has supported us in our time of need. They have kept us going. In turn, perhaps now we can do that for you in your time of need.

Activism, Athletics, Identity dan repost
We're calling on all activists to print and distribute these posters to gain attention to the latest anti-white terrorist attack in Waukesha, WI. Mainstream media will not report on the racial aspect of this mass casualty attack. It is vital to get this out wherever you can as fast as possible. If we don't, enemy operatives on both the left and right will drown our factual narrative with their lies and spin.
These can be printed from home or at a variety of self service printing stations at your local FedEx, Office Depot, Staples etc. Do not let this anti-white terrorist attack slip silently from peoples memories.

Mike Peinovich dan repost
The one word Gateway pundit doesn't use is White, which is the word the Waukesha terrorist used more than any other to describe people he wanted to kill. Every prediction we made yesterday is coming true. Conservatives far more than libtards want to cover up the racial aspect of this.

Eric Striker dan repost
New on National Justice:

Here is what we know so far about the Waukesha car attack.

Darrell Brooks is a career violent criminal and child pimp who was also an ideological black supremacist and anti-white.

Brooks for years openly called on others to commit acts of terrorism and violence against white people.

We should take claims that he was merely fleeing a knife fight emanating from the Waukesha police department, which is led by a black man who marched in BLM protests last year, with a grain of salt.


The subhuman scum walk all over us, kill our children, desecrate our festivals and heritage. Do not believe the fucking jewish media lies. We are in the midst of a race war, a hot war, and we will lose everything if White people remain asleep.

Outlaw Gentlemen & Shady Ladies dan repost
"Love, the natural, healthy kind, is indeed what makes the world go round, and is the most beautiful, holy miracle we ever see here on this earth. But without a deadly hate of that which threatens what we love, love is an empty word, a catchword for hippies, queers, and cowards."
-Commander George Lincoln Rockwell

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