American Dissident

Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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It's going be a long long time before I get back to 5,000 subs. That's if I ever do return to that many.

I might as well give up on Telegram. This isn't working.

The Jews (Israelites) of Jesus time became Christians. The other jews (Edomites and Israelite traitors) killed Christ. I believe these "traitors" became Christians when the prophecies Jesus laid out for the future of the temple and Jerusalem came true in 70 AD when Romans destroyed them.

This is the single greatest reason no jew today can ever trace his lineage to King David. Jesus and those alive within his generation were the last of the jews who could trace their bloodline because all genealogical records were destroyed with the destruction of Judea. Paul taught in Titus 3:9 that genealogies were foolish for the jews to follow for they were unprofitable and vain.

What does the Bible and it's nemesis the Talmud say about eating meat?

An "am ha'aretz" is someone who is against or ignorant of the Talmud (e.g. Christians).

Climate change initiatives are pushing this. This is talmudic, Anti-Christian nonsense.

And Israel has already created a synthetic meat making machine.

These are the end times. We Christians will go through a tribulation, and it looks like it will be sooner than later.

Am ha'aretz - this is a person, regardless of whether they're jew or Gentile, who is either ignorant of the talmud or works against it, and both jews and gentiles who fit either definition are called "am ha'aretz".

This is why they're working so hard to keep us from eating meat. This was prophesied in the New Testament of the Holy Bible.

This all starts to make sense now.

Texe Marrs was right.

While Christians know they will have the Marriage Feast of the Lamb.

The jews believe they will have a feast of the snake, and they probably will eat their own.

Holy Serpent of the Jews by Texe Marrs.epub
This is another good book. I'm still trying to chase down where he got some of his information, but it's interesting, none the less.

Holy Serpent of the Jews
By Texe Marrs

If you need it in pdf, mobi, or some other format, just go to cloudconvert(dot)com and convert it.

> Oy vey!
> The Romans slaughtered 800,000,000 jews.

I doubt there were even 800,000,000 people upon the planet at that time.

These demons have a whole different playbook than Christians and Muslims.

When jews say they're God's chosen people, does anyone ask, "Which god?"

Mormonism and Jehovah's Witness are both based on the Kabbalah.

Here's why jews were placed in labor camps.

Michael A. Hoffman - Judaism Discovered.pdf
Judaism Discovered
By Michael A. Hoffman

These excerpts come from Michael Hoffman's 1000 page book "Judaism Discovered".

What a wake-up call.

People think things are going to get better in America. Major cities are full of people living in tents. Seattle, San Francisco, Austin, and elsewhere.

It's not going to get better. It's going to get much much worse. Just about everyone you know is going to be without a job, and the jews did it just like they did it in the Great Depression, and nobody is going to fight back.

CNN is going hard after Biden now.

Stick a fork in him.

He's done.

The talmud did not exist before the death of Jesus, but Jesus died for opposing one of its books.

You can find where Jesus opposed this book in Mark 7:6-8 as "tradition of the elders" and "tradition of men". Also in Colossians 2:8 and 1 Peter 1:17-19.

Judaism didn't arrive until after jews murdered Christ.

So, to say Judeo-Christian is a sin because it's a lie. Judaism came from Christianity as the antithesis of Christianity.

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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