I 2000–2016 tok 62 personer livet sitt mens de satt i fengsel. Siden har det blitt flere. Forskere ved Universitetet i Oslo avdekket i 2021 at de fleste selvmord og selvmordsforsøk i fengsel skjer om natta https://archive.is/jYZKt
In 2000–2016, 62 people took their own lives while in prison. Since then there have been more. Researchers at the University of Oslo discovered in 2021 that most suicides and attempted suicides in prison occur at night.
Dette er selvmord nummer 70 og 71 i norske fengsler siste 15 år, ifølge VGs kartlegging https://perma.cc/4JFQ-5GBZ
This is suicide number 70 and 71 in Norwegian prisons in the last 15 years, according to VG's survey.
Med bare to på vakt, er det ifølge fengselsbetjenten som regel ikke forsvarlig å gå inn på cella uten å gamble med sikkerheten, både egen og andres.
With only two on duty, according to the prison officer, it is usually not safe to enter the cell without gambling with safety, both your own and that of others.
Overmanner den innsatte oss, tar han kontroll på hele fengselet.
If the inmate overpowers us, he takes control of the entire prison.
Tross denne kunnskapen, planlegger minst ni fengsler nå å redusere nattbemanninga for å spare utgifter.
Despite this knowledge, at least nine prisons are now planning to reduce night staffing to save costs.
Politiet startet etterforskning mot fengselsbetjentene for å se om hadde brutt hjelpeplikten.
The police started an investigation against the prison officers to see if they had breached their duty to help.
Now you have the reason behind why suicides in prison are crazy expensive!
Staff must co-operate fully with all investigations following a death, including those by the police, PPO, HSE.
The MOJ specifically incurs legal costs at inquests following the deaths of serving prisoners: £2.7 million in 2009 - 2010
PSI 64/2011 states that ‘prisons must offer to pay a contribution towards reasonable funeral expenses of up to £3,000
In 2000–2016, 62 people took their own lives while in prison. Since then there have been more. Researchers at the University of Oslo discovered in 2021 that most suicides and attempted suicides in prison occur at night.
Dette er selvmord nummer 70 og 71 i norske fengsler siste 15 år, ifølge VGs kartlegging https://perma.cc/4JFQ-5GBZ
This is suicide number 70 and 71 in Norwegian prisons in the last 15 years, according to VG's survey.
Med bare to på vakt, er det ifølge fengselsbetjenten som regel ikke forsvarlig å gå inn på cella uten å gamble med sikkerheten, både egen og andres.
With only two on duty, according to the prison officer, it is usually not safe to enter the cell without gambling with safety, both your own and that of others.
Overmanner den innsatte oss, tar han kontroll på hele fengselet.
If the inmate overpowers us, he takes control of the entire prison.
Tross denne kunnskapen, planlegger minst ni fengsler nå å redusere nattbemanninga for å spare utgifter.
Despite this knowledge, at least nine prisons are now planning to reduce night staffing to save costs.
Politiet startet etterforskning mot fengselsbetjentene for å se om hadde brutt hjelpeplikten.
The police started an investigation against the prison officers to see if they had breached their duty to help.
Now you have the reason behind why suicides in prison are crazy expensive!
Staff must co-operate fully with all investigations following a death, including those by the police, PPO, HSE.
The MOJ specifically incurs legal costs at inquests following the deaths of serving prisoners: £2.7 million in 2009 - 2010
PSI 64/2011 states that ‘prisons must offer to pay a contribution towards reasonable funeral expenses of up to £3,000