Ghost Squad Hackers Hacktivist Team by
@anonbarbby (4)
List of attacks on governments and organizations:
*Data leakage of the U.S Armed Forces/MilitaryEdit
A data dump was later leaked after hacking the United States Military personnel files and releasing information on close to 2,437 army personnel.
*Defacement of Baton Rouge City government websiteEdit
July 19, 2016 the sub domain of Baton Rouge City government website.
*Attacks on the Afghanistan government and its officialsEdit
Later in the same month GSH took over the official Twitter account of Afghanistan's Chief Executive Dr. Abdullah Abdullah in an effort to raise awareness against corruption and alleged drug deals between Afghanistan and the U.S.
*Operation Decrypt ISISEdit
The group's focus in 2017 shifted slightly towards targeting ISIS and removing them off the internet and social media completely. A multitude of accounts from Facebook, Twitter, and Telegram alike were hacked and added to an extensive list of ISIS removed.