"Abandoned Sacred Beast" is a timeless love story that mixes magic, tragedy, and romance into four acts. It features Captain Dante Henriette and a lovely girl under the hood named [REDACTED]. Elaine, the one who created Dante and others Incarnates disappeared suddenly. Dante spends his days as an Incarnates on a lake of tears and his nights in his beautiful human form.
Before Elaine was gone, she said "We have to k%ll others incarnates before they did something worse" but, the worst scenario happened. She failed and she leave as if nothing happeneds. ???? How can she be like that? Does she want's me to suffer lonely? Where are you, Elaine? I found someone who look like you. Are you Elaine? Elaine? Where are you Elaine? When are you gonna come home, Elaine?
Being a captain, Dante had to find others and find a way to made them disappeared. But one day, he found a [GI₩*%] that helped him find others. He fell in love, but he forgot that if he fall in love with a human, he will [????].
Before Elaine was gone, she said "We have to k%ll others incarnates before they did something worse" but, the worst scenario happened. She failed and she leave as if nothing happeneds. ???? How can she be like that? Does she want's me to suffer lonely? Where are you, Elaine? I found someone who look like you. Are you Elaine? Elaine? Where are you Elaine? When are you gonna come home, Elaine?
Being a captain, Dante had to find others and find a way to made them disappeared. But one day, he found a [GI₩*%] that helped him find others. He fell in love, but he forgot that if he fall in love with a human, he will [????].