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ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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DATA DUMP (Update x2): List of 327 #BLM+#Antifa #Rioters Federally Charged from the 2020 riots.

Spreadsheet -

AntifaWatch Tag -

Twitter Banned CourtInfoWatch, our bot that tweeted updates to their court dockets (Yes, Seriously) even though it was an approved developer and literally posted 100% public info. We still get email updates, and will keep posting relevant information on this.

We also moved the spreadsheet cryptpad, as google docs is not a trusted long term solution. Depending on how this works we may stick with it or host our own (it's open source)

Update on our Twitter account being restricted.

The account has been "locked" and wants phone verification, however the number on there (which is a virtual number that has worked fine in the past) is not getting the PIN thing Twitter says it's sending. There's no clear reason for getting locked, we were "flagged for unusual behavior that violates the Twitter Rules", however they don't specify which rule, tweet, or "behavior"

May be able to get twitter support to change the number or unlock the account so we can change the number, however they are notoriously slow and it's around Christmas. Just taking a bit of a break from Twitter around the holidays regardless, Merry Christmas 🌲

If it's still locked by the new year, we will make another and continue what we've been doing. We definitely assumed things like this would happen, it's why we built our own website and had pretty much everything we tweeted backed up there


DATA DUMP (Update): List of 289 #BLM+#Antifa #Rioters Federally Charged

Court Updates -
(Bot that Tweets updates from their court dockets. Read the pinned Tweet)

Spreadsheet -

AntifaWatch Tag -

Still a fallback should Twitter take action

Guy who brandished an AR-15 at a BLM rally plead guilty today to making interstate threats. Faces up to 5 years in Federal Prison.

He posted he wanted “to off racists and MAGA people.”

#BLM #Riots2020 #riots #BlackLivesMatter

New Report from Palm Desert CA - Carlos Espriu, 23

Carried out a Firebomb attack on Republican Club. 3 days before attack he Tweeted “I wanna go burn shit n get hit with tear gas.”

Charged Federally, Max of 20 years if convicted.

#arson #Riots2020

New Report from Salt Lake City #Utah May 30th #Riots

Ethan Barsketis is charged with two counts of assault on a police officer (one felony one misdemeanor)

#Riots2020 #antifawatch #SaltLake #SLC

Update to Jordan Coyne (25) - The brick throwing Anarchist

He's been indicted Federally by
for civil disorder. Max of 5 years in Federal Prison if convicted.

#Pittsburgh #PittsburghProtest #PittsburghProtests

12 Hour Suspension

11 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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