🎓PhD opportunity in Various disciplines
Theoretical chemistry, Space Technology, Integrated basin analysis, Optimal infrastructure planning, Digital Twins, Human geography, Sustainable and circular management of plastics, Fire safety and computational modelling, Mathematics Education, Fluid mechanics/soft matter physics, Reproductive Biotechnologies, Marine Biodegradation of Polymers, Remote Maritime Operations, Vision-Language Models in Remote Sensing
🌍Country: Norway
💰Funding: Fully funded positions
How to apply: Links provided in the text
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🔖🔖🔖 اپدیت های جدید کایت رو چک کنید 👈👈👈
Theoretical chemistry, Space Technology, Integrated basin analysis, Optimal infrastructure planning, Digital Twins, Human geography, Sustainable and circular management of plastics, Fire safety and computational modelling, Mathematics Education, Fluid mechanics/soft matter physics, Reproductive Biotechnologies, Marine Biodegradation of Polymers, Remote Maritime Operations, Vision-Language Models in Remote Sensing
🌍Country: Norway
💰Funding: Fully funded positions
How to apply: Links provided in the text
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🔖🔖🔖 اپدیت های جدید کایت رو چک کنید 👈👈👈