Aryan Orthodox Christians

Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
Toifa: ko‘rsatilmagan

Kanal geosi va tili
ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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On this day (15th of June according to Julian calendar) in 1389 happened the Battle of Kosovo in which Christians lead by St. Martyr HIH Prince Stephen Lazarus Hrebelyanovich of Serbs and Podunavlje fought against the much larger Muslim Ottoman army and won against all odds, but with huge losses on both sides.

Ottoman Sultan Murad Hüdavendigâr was killed by St. Martyr Lord Milosh of Kobilje.

St. Martyr Prince Lazarus was captured and executed on the same day after the battle by the surviving Ottomans lead by sultan's son while he (St. Prince Lazarus) was going to the nearby church alone to thank God for the victory.

Due to heavy losses his principality and other countries in the Balkans started being weaker and weaker after each Ottoman attack which gradually ended up in complete Ottoman occupation of the Balkans which lasted around 500 years.




Same author.

"Deception of Perestroika"


A book written by a former KGB agent about Russian Federation still being the USSR, about how the same Jewish communist elite rules Russian Federation:


Classical music is extremely important for the European identity. It's complexity is a huge symbol of evolution of European culture and civilisation.

But today it's getting forgotten by us Europeans while it's very cherished and recognized by Japanese, South Koreans and some Chinese who literally force their children to learn playing European classical music. While we Europeans are forgetting the largest artistic geniuses of our history, our culture, our civilisation.

But you say that you don't like it as much as you like contemporary popular genres.

It was same with me. Even now I spend more time listening to metal and other contemporary genres than the classical music.

There's nothing wrong with well produced and decent contemporary music, but we need to learn how to like classical music. You won't regret it. It's a whole new world with much more subtle, but richer audible stimulation.

It's very similar to switching from unhealthy to healthy diet. You like fast food, all those sweets and junk. It's full of additives and artificial colors and flavours. Then you switch to healthy diet with a lot of fruits and vegetables. It doesn't taste good. Taste seems either neutral or untasty. But... As you stay on the right track and eat healthy every day your taste gradually resets and you finally start feeling apples as very sweet, celery as slightly salty... You don't crave all that junk any more. After some time you go to some celebration and eat a cake. You barely ate it. It's too sweet, but few months ago you were able to eat couple of peaces. Same is with classical and contemporary music or when someone moves from a loud metropolis to quiet countryside.

You just need to adapt to it and you'll start enjoying it and getting all the benefits.

Lately I've been seeing a lot of ignorant comments about European colonialism. All those comments came from white men, unfortunately. Most Europeans got so much indoctrinated to the level that they are hating their own race.


We're not hated for our society's successes, we're hated for the failures of indigenous societies.

For example...

The aboriginal people of Australia had THOUSANDS OF YEARS without Western influence or control, and what did they do with it?


Their two greatest gifts to the world was a type of musical stick that sounds like a fart when you blow into it, and another type of stick that comes back when you throw it.

"Captain Cook was an invader"?

Captain Cook was in the southern hemisphere to observe the transit of Venus.

Meanwhile, aboriginal people were sitting under a palm leaf, dying of hypothermia in a thunderstorm.

Turn mosques into churches!


Orthodox Man dan repost
“In calling to love our enemies, Christ had in mind personal enemies of man, not God’s enemies, and not blaspheming molesters, for them drowning with a millstone around their neck was recommended. Urging to forgive injuries, Christ was referring to personal insults to a person, not all possible crimes; no one has the right to forgive the offenses suffered by others or provide for the villains to offend the weak, corrupt children, desecrate churches and destroy the Fatherland. So therefore a Christian is called not only to forgive offenses, but to fight the enemies of God’s work on earth. The evangelical commandment of “non-resistance to evil” teaches humility and generosity in personal matters, and not limpness of will, not cowardice, not treachery and not obedience to evildoers.” - Ivan Ilyin (On Resistance to Evil by Force)

Metropolitan Anthony (Khrapovitsky) of Blessed Memory Regarding Ivan Ilyin’s book Resisting Evil By Force

#violence #faith



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