Folkish European Paganism

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A place for Folkish European (Aryan) Pagans to honor the Gods and Ancestral traditions

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ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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An Englishman may certainly love his England. But if he is a Christian, he must be feeling that Palestine, where his Lord was born, and preached, and died, is still more holy than England can ever be. If he would go on a religious pilgrimage, it would be to Jerusalem, outside England, not to any place in England.

Savitri Devi

Aries and the origin of Hellespont

Zeus and Europe

Germanic Calendar dan repost
This means, that the first of the Winter Nights would have taken place yesterday (Oct. 8), the second of the Winter Nights takes place today (Oct. 9), and the third one will take place tomorrow (Oct. 10).

Idol of Perun in Kiev

Oðinn Outreach dan repost

UR - Artwerk dan repost
Armin bei der Seherin
Ferdinand Leeke, Ölgemälde, 1890

Zeus and Semele

Of all the city are we the only ones
who’ll dance to honour Bacchus?

Yes, indeed,
for we’re the only ones whose minds are clear.
As for the others, well, their thinking’s wrong.


Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA) dan repost
Paganism is not a return to the past, but an ascension to the Eternal

volkhv Veleslav

Das Schwarze Korps dan repost
"Óðinn can make his enemies in battle blind, or deaf, or terror-struck, and their weapons so blunt that they can cut no more than a willow wand. On the other hand, his warriors rush forward without armor, as mad as dogs or wolves, biting their shields, and are as strong as bears or wild bulls, and kill people at a blow, but neither fire nor iron hurts them. These are called Berserkir."


Art by Suevis Nocturkatre

Audumbla and Buri

Ryland Robert
Hercules in the garden of Hesperides

Hercules and Hydra Jan Muller

Medea with her dead children by Germán Hernández Amores

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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