‘Iconic 2000s band member reveals horrific Covid vaccine side effect that's robbed her of basic motherly function. as she sends message to other vax-injured’
‘To make matters worse, while her fellow Pussycat Dolls former bandmates have been accepting of her experience, she has now been dubbed an anti-vaxxer for speaking out.
'I'm willing to risk my reputation so this doesn't happen to anyone else,' she said.
'There are many people in the industry way, bigger than me with a bigger outreach, with vaccine injuries. But they won't speak out. And for me, I just couldn't hold my tongue.'
Thank you for your tremendous courage Jessica Sutta in speaking out for the vaccine injured
‘Silence becomes cowardice when occasion demands speaking the whole truth and acting accordingly’ Gandhi
We cannot and will not allow these corporate psychopathic entities to continue with their killing for profit business model 👊👊👊