Beat the Bailiffs

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5 Steps to Asking Good QUESTIONS

#CouncilTax #DiscretionaryPayment

Section 13A reductions
A reduction under Section 13A of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, or Section 13A as it is more often known, was initially introduced in England & Wales by way of Section 76 of the Local Government Act 2003. The relevant section of the regulations was later amended in 2012.
The key section which authorises the discretionary reduction is Section 13A(1)(c

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Waste of Tax Payer Money

32 Page
🤡 PDF:

Bailiff Reform.pdf

Waste of Tax Payer Money


4. The Ministry of Justice (MOJ) carried out reforms of the enforcement system in 2014, aimed at making the system fairer and more efficient. These reforms aimed to curb bad practice, but the complaints continue. We therefore launched an inquiry into the enforcement of debt by bailiffs, with a focus on whether the reforms had worked and what more could be done.

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Welcome to Beat The Bailiffs

This Channel is for those in need of immediate assistance and guidance

How to Navigate this page below is a list of subjects covered, click the # to find required files.

On the left hand side Click the arrows to see all relevant pages 💥

We are not “Qualified”
”We do not offer Financial Advice or guarantee an outcome.

Please do your own research and due diligence

#TVLicence #ROIR #Part2
A useful tool against TV licence is the often misunderstood ROIROA (Removal of Implied Rights of Access).

It stops the TV goons even turning up at your door and unlike notifying them that you don't need a TV licence which gets them to investigate you and only stops them visiting for 2 years, the ROIROA never expires, so you stop them for good.

The ROIROA is an excellent tool to stop ANY Corporation visiting. Anyone company without a warrant is effectively trespassing if you have served them the notice in writing.

If they obstruct you, they can be arrested for Aggravated Trespass, so this is an important document to serve on them or have posted on your door.
See #Part1

#TVLicence #ROIR #Part1
The Removal of Implied Rights of Access is one of the most important factors in stopping any visits.

TV Licence should never be paid.

You are just funding the lies and corruption of the BBC.
You can ask them to remove you from their list but they WILL contact you after2 years and before that if they get evidence that you may be watching live TV.

You can STOP them from visiting for good with a Removal of Implied Rights of Access.

The only way they can take you to Court is if you:
1) Open the door to them
2) Let them in
3) Watch Live TV in front of them
4) Give your name
5) Sign a Confession

If you are forced to sign anything write "V.C." before you signature to show it was signed under duress.
Go to #Part2


Do You Fund #Paedophilia ??

Tv Licence Does!

This has been very successful against TVL.


Form to be completed in case of Economic Abuse.

This form created by 'Surviving Economic Abuse' group, can be used to encourage companies like:
#JCInternational etc

to close accounts that have balances that are the result of Economic or Domestic Abuse.


#DebtCollector or #BAILIFFS
The must have
DEED OF assignment
The Agreement
When the Original owner of the debt (Assignor) sells the debt to the Debt Purchasing Company (Assignee) an EQUITABLE Assignment is created.

An ad-hoc agreement between the two companies that the Debtor pays the Debt Purchasing Company instead of the Original Creditor.

The debts are often sold in bulk, what the DPC is buying is a list of names and numbers

Get more useful Tips 😉


Send the #Single Letter template to anyone demanding money from you. It is ideal for any agents, solicitors or debt collectors instructed to harass you on behalf of a creditor.

The single letter is an ideal template letter to dispute ANY #debt.

It has all the elements required to dispute the debt and shift the burden onto the person (corporation) claiming the debt is owed.

It also provides a fee schedule, which if the other party does not dispute it agrees.

The letter also instructs them that you do not want to be harassed by them and communication should only be by email, which they cannot charge huge fees for.


In a Q and A
“morning everyone.... love seeing all the positive wins for people!!! just a little bit of advice please, bounce back loan taken with natwest during lockdown....... now passed to moorcrof. can't afford to pay now at all and shouldn't have taken it but was desperate as no income then. would you do 3 letter process or irresponsible lending please?


3 Letters are for DEBT BUYERS ONLY.

You can certainly raise an irresponsible lending complaint to Natwest:

#IRRESPONSIBLE Lending Complaint


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