Big Sky Active Club

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Big Sky Active Club
A network for brotherhood, fitness, and groundwork where the Rockies meet the Great Plains.

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Diary of an Underground Ronin dan repost
"Give me 50 good men andI I will give you a new renaissance"
— Nietzsche

Wild Rose AC dan repost
Friendly Sunday Reminder,

Civnat reactionaries will go out of their way to address geopolitics and cover events abroad, but won't address local events pertaining to Canada or the interests of White Nationalists.

All they're good for is appropriating our language and applying our points universally, while creating a sort of arbitrary freedom bureaucracy on-top of existing White Nationalist programs.

They're really no different than antifa or a tyrannical government regime and, will lash out just the same when they're called out for being the good for nothing rats that they are.

We stand for a rat-free Alberta and operate on our own terms, as free Aryan men. Get Active, Love your race, and Hate Antifags.


Cⴲle Wⴲlfᛋᛋⴲn dan repost
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🚨Twitter Mass Report Thread🚨 dan repost
Banner removed from i-76 with a clear message.
No tolerance for Antifa!

Flavius Anthony dan repost
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Southern Sons Active Club dan repost
White Pride

Get active.

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First rule of Active Club is don’t talk about Active Club

Will2Rise uncesonred dan repost
An American Warrior Religion would have the values of the frontiersman and settler, who’s very existence depends on his ability to defend the perimeter and snuff out his enemies. A Kit Carson who followed frontier code of vengeance, whenever he came upon the remains of pilgrims mutilated by Indians. Men who were hard and understood just how far the human body could go. Don’t underestimate the warlike nature in your blood. A warrior religion is first most concerned with the strength and survival of its race. Theology comes after.

Will2Rise uncesonred dan repost
The type of man required for the frontier.

Think whatever you’d like about the founding father, Thomas Jefferson, but at the age of ten he was left out in the wild by his father to see if he could survive on his own. American settlers were made of something different to find a way to survive and thrive in the New World. A sixteen year old Nathan Bedford Forrest hunted down the panther that attacked his sister in the middle of the night and killed it by dawn. They had to forge a warlike nature to just not die off, which happened to many early settlements. There was no air conditioning, no cars, what you did in life depended on the strength of your will and body. Even more than this, the settler had to be a warrior and killer. The Indian was always beyond the tree line.

How many settlers lost their lives to Indian brutality? There are many first hand accounts you can read about settlers being raided by Indians. Kids were kidnapped and adopted into the tribe. Some babies met a worse fate. Kidnapped babies who wouldn’t keep quiet were often taken by the heels and slammed against rocks or trees. Men were often scalped and mutilated. The American had to become someone who could face and conquer this brutality.

The brutality wasn’t from the Indian alone, the white devil became just as brutal. Such is the reality of nature. This was a battle to master their conditions, master space. The novel Blood Meridian was based on the true story of the Glanton Gang who was hired by both Texans and Mexicans to clear out the Indian menace. They left a trial of blood from Texas to Mexico, all the way to the Californian coast. The worldview that makes the white man irredeemably evil for winning this war is naive and self-destructive to the country. You must hold their eyes open and show them the truth.

You saw the frontier power of the white devil. Their experiences helped make America the world power we know today. Not only did they make the lands safe for civilization, they excelled at farming and industry, basically supplying war material for both world wars. Americans were often noted in both world wars as being much bigger than their European counterparts as well as better equipped. The American’s warlike nature is in the blood and what’s most important for our people today is remembering that strength of blood. It must be mobilized for our benefit, not have it spent in globohomo police actions.
The American Warrior Religion

One critique I’d make against the warrior religion project is that it isn’t American enough. The average normie would must be like “wtf are you talking about?” In Man’s Primordial Will, I touch on the idea that religion equals culture. Religion is a powerful meme to instill rites and traditions in a people and while the gods may change, religion remains. The Marxists figured out through studies in Africa that the number one thing that unites a people isn’t class, but race. To have any chance in the future, we must again get Americans to think of themselves as a race. A race under siege.

The foundation work for an American Warrior Religion is already there. Almost all of us have been brought up on it. The challenge falls to making it authentic and genuine again. It ain’t about DC and the institutions created there. Being True American is in itself a warrior religion. Early Americans not only had to know how to shoot a gun, but also hunt and fight should they situation call for it. They had to be able to transverse the wilderness. Match savagery with savagery. The True American is a warrior.

You owe it to your ancestors to not be the ignoble ends of your bloodline and country. Make yourself a warrior. A True American who knows the ways of nature and how bad things can get. Take pride in what your ancestors accomplished, don’t buy into the leftist hogwash that you should be ashamed of them. The idea that you should hate your ancestors because of racism is retarded. Everyone is racist, it’s natural, get over it. Step beyond it.

Worth the read

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If you are reading this, you owe yourself, your people, and Uncle A 100 push ups before you go to bed tonight. Break it down however you like, just get them done 💪🏻

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Hellstorm dan repost

Paul Waggener Official dan repost
While I’m here:

I received an email from a young fella this week with a plethora of questions regarding lifting, many of them centered around the old “volume versus intensity” argument.

Simply put, is it better to lift as heavy/intense as possible with more rest between workouts, or to hit high volume (lots of reps) throughout the week with moderate rest.

My answer to these questions is always…


Autistic bodybuilders and strength coaches desperate to make it seem like lifting weights and getting jacked is some super esoteric pursuit that requires graphs and charts and studies have convinced people of a load of bullshit, one of these myths being “either/or.”

It’s not either or:

Lift for a reasonable amount of sets and reps at a challenging weight on every set so you’re not wasting time on any of your sets.

In simple, knuckle dragging terms:

Warm up with a few light sets.


Run 3x8-12, run 4x6-8, run 5x5-6…

Whatever it is, between 30-50 really challenging reps spread over 3-6 sets for hypertrophy work is a good spot.

You don’t have to obsess over every new study or piece of data that some high pitched Canadian “natty” lifter or whoever your favorite trenned out IFBB pro with $300 programs is selling.

Unless you’re trying to go pro, you can get in and out of the gym in 45-60 mins or less by not wasting a bunch of time with eldritch equipment, ridiculous workouts that call for “micro plates” or anything that looks like it involves the application of a nearly encyclopedic amount of PEDs to recover from.

Get a decent program.

Run it with focus and intensity on every rep of every set.

Eat well and rest adequately.

You’ll get jacked.


Sons of Appalachia dan repost
Give them the black flag. No quarter to the violators of our homes and hearths!

White Power! LFG!!

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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