BIRO MENFESS dan repost
#birocurhat. Stop using someone as your face claim because they’re pretty, handsome, aesthetic, gf/bf able. You’re playing a role. All you have to do is introduce your muse to people who don't know or promote someone's career. Lately, lots of roleplayers are using someone just because their muse has a lot of pictures. No. Stop. Please. Definisi roleplay itu memainkan peran, bukan berlomba lomba untuk menjadi seseorang yang paling aesthetic, tercantik atau terganteng di dunia roleplay ini. Change your mindset, okay? Also, if you’re using an kpop idol, stan his/her group too. Find out about them. Jangan sampai ketika orang nanya soal grupnya, kamu malah hah heh hoh kaya keong. 👍🏻