The Black Rose Society

Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
Toifa: ko‘rsatilmagan

Freaks Exposed

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ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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Tom Tanuki sure does like fantasising about not only exposing himself but also masturbating in a public place, he also seems to get off to random familes (including minors) looking at and touching his leftover bodily fluids unknowing of what it is.

Antifa's finest right here.

L bozo

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Yes Aaron... we know... everything about you!

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Malachi Cronin's apology


Its been 10 months since Malachi Cronin committed heinous crimes against a true blue ridgie didge Australian.

After countless emails, phone calls and energy spent on pursuing justice, the only justice I feel was served was the genuine fear that Malachi Cronin felt as he was surrounded by neo nazis who he perceived were out to get him. So afraid was this little dweeb he needed a 12 person police escort to get from the front of the court to his getaway car which was a distance of 15 metres. Knowing the power we have as nationalists means he wont ever act smart in public against patriots ever again due to the trauma his fagget little demonic soul endured at our hands. it also sends a message to any Antifas out there that we will pursue you to the ends if the earth if we are insulted and attacked.

We now have his official apology which can be viewed in the video. Apart from that he had to pay a paltry 200 dollar fine to the court and and write a letter of gratitude to Victoria police for their diversion recommendation. This saga has now come to a close.

I may be doing a podcast in future outlining everything that happened to get the result we got.

In any case I want to extend me thanks to every solid nationalist who mobilised themselves to assist in instilling fear into this fagget kunt, you all know who you are.

Things I've learnt:

1) Being fixated works
2) Guiness beer is actually alright



Jim Roberts dan repost
Dear Fagget,

I write in response to your 'apology'.

On the second of August 2022, you were saved from your all too deserving fate by a Community Corrections Order that was in place.

What should have been visceral and violent justice did not occur.

Noting your faggety demeanour and lack of physical fitness, you were spared exactly what was coming to you.

In this way, I ruined any chance you had at becoming a decent, honourable human being.

From the bottom of my heart, fuck you.

Nobody likes faggets, but I fear that's not enough - nobody likes filthy Irish faggets that spit in people's beers.

On top of this, I betrayed my own instincts.

As a Proud White Australian, it is my due diligence and duty to smash any filthy fagget I see acting faggety.

When I think about you in any capacity, I feel sick to my stomach.

Fuck you, fagget.

There is a lack of gaping wounds in faggets like you around our nation, and when faggets like you get around unstomped, the chances of that changing grow greater.

I know I will absolutely not get a second chance to make a fist impression, or maybe permanently cause damage or mutilation to your eyes, both as a cruelty and a kindness.

Once again, fuck you, fagget.

I can only hope you die of AIDS.

Yours beastingly,


Based mickle schooling white rose in basic mathematics. And I thought Jews were good at maths. Counting shekels dis dat

Keep the same energy when we catch up IRL 😉

You do realise that we have photos and videos of you fags too, right?

A laughable attempt at blackmail.

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

Thomas Sewell dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
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Scanning through the crowd keeping an eye out for antifas trying to flank us, spot an irregularly large nose.

Call the boys over.
"Look, Look, is jew!"

jew gets found out, you can guess what he does next.

Sean Bedlam triggered

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Kimberly Matousek the drug whore of Lorengau made an appearance trying her best to recover from her slit wrists and and drug consumption from the night before.


20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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