Th3 Gøsp3L dan repost
*September 14,2017*
Theme:SO MUST THE SON OF MAN BE LIFTED UP(Exaltation of the cross)
Scripture Reading: John 3:13-17
Today the church calls us to reflect on the Cross. In 1913 George Bernard wrote words and tune for his best known hymn "The Old Rugged Cross".
The hymn calls us to cherish the Cross thus " So I'll cherish the old rugged cross, till my trophies at last I lay down;" John stott wrote,"that great and most glorious of all subjects-the Cross of Christ". However, I fear that the cross without ever being disowned, is constantly in danger of being dismissed from the central place in contemporary Christian life. Dearly beloved as we reflect on the Cross of Christ, we urge you to do whatever it takes to make the Cross your passion. Ask God to change your heart so you can personally affirm for your own life the words in Galatians 6:14----"Far be it from me to boast except in the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ." In this book "Living The Cross Centered Life" C.J.Mahaney queried: "if we as Christians have already come to believe in the Gospel----if we've already received the gift of salvation He purchased for us with His precious Blood-----why focus any longer on the cross? Isn't time to give our full attention to more " mature " matters of living out our faith? NO, "we never move on from the cross, only into a more profound understand of the cross. The cross wasn't merely one of Paul's messages; it was The Message. He taught about other things as well, but whatever he taught was always derived from, and related to, the foundational reality that Jesus Christ died so that sinners would be reconciled to God ". To forget the cross is to forget the in unforgettable love and mercy of God. A grateful Christian will never forget the cross, because it is by His death on the cross that we are redeemed. The Cross is the "crux" of the Christian life.
Brethren there could be different crosses depending on material and size; but the Good Friday brings us back to the reality that it is about a wooden cross and, more importantly, about the oner whp died upon it. Let us form the habit of always looking up to the Cross, to Jesus who brought HIS death on the cross gave us victory over sin and death. St. John of the cross concludes this reflection thus, "Whoever does not seek the cross of Christ doesn't seek the Glory of Christ."
1. Thank Jesus for His death on the cross for you.
2. Pray for forgiveness for the times you failed to crucify the passion of your flesh.
3. Prayerfully take the hymn
"The Old Rugged Cross."
Meditation: Num. 21:8-9
God bless😇
@Daily_Gospel 🌻
Theme:SO MUST THE SON OF MAN BE LIFTED UP(Exaltation of the cross)
Scripture Reading: John 3:13-17
Today the church calls us to reflect on the Cross. In 1913 George Bernard wrote words and tune for his best known hymn "The Old Rugged Cross".
The hymn calls us to cherish the Cross thus " So I'll cherish the old rugged cross, till my trophies at last I lay down;" John stott wrote,"that great and most glorious of all subjects-the Cross of Christ". However, I fear that the cross without ever being disowned, is constantly in danger of being dismissed from the central place in contemporary Christian life. Dearly beloved as we reflect on the Cross of Christ, we urge you to do whatever it takes to make the Cross your passion. Ask God to change your heart so you can personally affirm for your own life the words in Galatians 6:14----"Far be it from me to boast except in the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ." In this book "Living The Cross Centered Life" C.J.Mahaney queried: "if we as Christians have already come to believe in the Gospel----if we've already received the gift of salvation He purchased for us with His precious Blood-----why focus any longer on the cross? Isn't time to give our full attention to more " mature " matters of living out our faith? NO, "we never move on from the cross, only into a more profound understand of the cross. The cross wasn't merely one of Paul's messages; it was The Message. He taught about other things as well, but whatever he taught was always derived from, and related to, the foundational reality that Jesus Christ died so that sinners would be reconciled to God ". To forget the cross is to forget the in unforgettable love and mercy of God. A grateful Christian will never forget the cross, because it is by His death on the cross that we are redeemed. The Cross is the "crux" of the Christian life.
Brethren there could be different crosses depending on material and size; but the Good Friday brings us back to the reality that it is about a wooden cross and, more importantly, about the oner whp died upon it. Let us form the habit of always looking up to the Cross, to Jesus who brought HIS death on the cross gave us victory over sin and death. St. John of the cross concludes this reflection thus, "Whoever does not seek the cross of Christ doesn't seek the Glory of Christ."
1. Thank Jesus for His death on the cross for you.
2. Pray for forgiveness for the times you failed to crucify the passion of your flesh.
3. Prayerfully take the hymn
"The Old Rugged Cross."
Meditation: Num. 21:8-9
God bless😇
@Daily_Gospel 🌻