En helt nødvendig rettssak https://perma.cc/F6GE-CF3C
An absolutely necessary trial 🤦♂️
Rettssaken vil vare i fem dager og finne sted i gymsalen i Ringerike fengsel, på grunn av behovet for streng sikkerhet. Det er også den viktigste forklaringen på soningsforholdene terroristen soner under.
The trial will last five days and take place in the gymnasium of Ringerike prison, due to the need for strict security. It is also the most important explanation for the prison conditions under which the terrorist is serving his sentence.
Who is paying such no sense process? Obviously the population ... like said previously
En rettssak er likevel helt nødvendig. I den liberale rettsstaten skal alle borgere være like for loven. Breivik må derfor ha de samme muligheter til å prøve sin sak som alle andre fanger.
A trial is nevertheless absolutely necessary. In the liberal rule of law, all citizens must be equal before the law. Breivik must therefore have the same opportunities to try his case as all other prisoners.
It's time to stop such abuse of rights!
Særlig når staten bruker sterke tvangsmidler, er muligheten til å kontrollere disse viktig. At også terrorister har denne muligheten, er et bevis på at rettsstaten virker.
Especially when the state uses strong means of coercion, the ability to control these is important. That terrorists also have this opportunity is proof that the rule of law works.
NOPE, it doesn't work! It works like shit! Just think your prisons without proper 🚧
Or how you shitty sentence rapers!
Without considering other bullshits / errors
An absolutely necessary trial 🤦♂️
Rettssaken vil vare i fem dager og finne sted i gymsalen i Ringerike fengsel, på grunn av behovet for streng sikkerhet. Det er også den viktigste forklaringen på soningsforholdene terroristen soner under.
The trial will last five days and take place in the gymnasium of Ringerike prison, due to the need for strict security. It is also the most important explanation for the prison conditions under which the terrorist is serving his sentence.
Who is paying such no sense process? Obviously the population ... like said previously
En rettssak er likevel helt nødvendig. I den liberale rettsstaten skal alle borgere være like for loven. Breivik må derfor ha de samme muligheter til å prøve sin sak som alle andre fanger.
A trial is nevertheless absolutely necessary. In the liberal rule of law, all citizens must be equal before the law. Breivik must therefore have the same opportunities to try his case as all other prisoners.
It's time to stop such abuse of rights!
Særlig når staten bruker sterke tvangsmidler, er muligheten til å kontrollere disse viktig. At også terrorister har denne muligheten, er et bevis på at rettsstaten virker.
Especially when the state uses strong means of coercion, the ability to control these is important. That terrorists also have this opportunity is proof that the rule of law works.
NOPE, it doesn't work! It works like shit! Just think your prisons without proper 🚧
Or how you shitty sentence rapers!
Without considering other bullshits / errors