High Security Prison Part 1
De fleste som dømmes til lengre fengselsstraffer i Norge soner mesteparten av straffen i et høysikkerhetsfengsel. De innsatte fa r i liten grad anledning til a forlate fengselet. Langt pa vei mister de muligheten til a ivareta sine interesser utenfor fengselet. Skal de opprettholde kontak- ten med familie, er de avhengig av at familiemedlemmene vil besøke dem i fengselet. Av hen- syn til sikkerheten, er adgangen til a bruke telefon og tilgang til internett svært begrenset. En lengre frihetsstraff betyr altsa en omfattende isolasjon fra omverdenen.
Most people who are sentenced to longer prison sentences in Norway serve most of their sentences in a high-security prison. The inmates are rarely allowed to leave the prison. In the long run, they lose the opportunity to look after their interests outside the prison. If they are to maintain contact with family, they are dependent on family members visiting them in prison. For reasons of security, access to the telephone and access to the internet is very limited. A longer custodial sentence therefore means extensive isolation from the outside world.
Well, this is perfectly normal.
It would be like allowing Breivik to get access to phone and internet. The disaster from that would be much worse ...
I høysikkerhetsfengsler er utgangspunktet at fangene gis adgang til a telefonere i 20 minutter per uke, hvis ikke «kapasitetsmes- sige forhold» er til hinder for det
In high-security prisons, the starting point is that prisoners are given access to telephone for 20 minutes per week, unless "capacity-related conditions" prevent this
Still hoping that such calls are controlled or controlled by artificial intelligence ... Otherwise we are like Prison Break ... were the girl said she would kill the kid near the guard, but they did anything to her, even once Lincoln told them that ...
Utgangs- punktet er at post og telefonsamtaler skal kontrolleres i høysikkerhetsfengsler
De fleste som dømmes til lengre fengselsstraffer i Norge soner mesteparten av straffen i et høysikkerhetsfengsel. De innsatte fa r i liten grad anledning til a forlate fengselet. Langt pa vei mister de muligheten til a ivareta sine interesser utenfor fengselet. Skal de opprettholde kontak- ten med familie, er de avhengig av at familiemedlemmene vil besøke dem i fengselet. Av hen- syn til sikkerheten, er adgangen til a bruke telefon og tilgang til internett svært begrenset. En lengre frihetsstraff betyr altsa en omfattende isolasjon fra omverdenen.
Most people who are sentenced to longer prison sentences in Norway serve most of their sentences in a high-security prison. The inmates are rarely allowed to leave the prison. In the long run, they lose the opportunity to look after their interests outside the prison. If they are to maintain contact with family, they are dependent on family members visiting them in prison. For reasons of security, access to the telephone and access to the internet is very limited. A longer custodial sentence therefore means extensive isolation from the outside world.
Well, this is perfectly normal.
It would be like allowing Breivik to get access to phone and internet. The disaster from that would be much worse ...
I høysikkerhetsfengsler er utgangspunktet at fangene gis adgang til a telefonere i 20 minutter per uke, hvis ikke «kapasitetsmes- sige forhold» er til hinder for det
In high-security prisons, the starting point is that prisoners are given access to telephone for 20 minutes per week, unless "capacity-related conditions" prevent this
Still hoping that such calls are controlled or controlled by artificial intelligence ... Otherwise we are like Prison Break ... were the girl said she would kill the kid near the guard, but they did anything to her, even once Lincoln told them that ...
Utgangs- punktet er at post og telefonsamtaler skal kontrolleres i høysikkerhetsfengsler