British Australian Community

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Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
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Anglophobia part 2 - What is Anglophobia?

This video is based on the book Anglophobia: The Unrecognised Hatred. To purchase the book or find more information, please visit

If you enjoy the video and/or the book, please help us share it before Anglophobic elites decide to ban, or at least shadow ban it from major platforms.

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Anglophobia part 1 - Introduction

This video is based on the book Anglophobia: The Unrecognised Hatred. To purchase the book or find more information, please visit

This introduction is narrated by Harry Richardson. It is intended to be the first of a series of videos that will bring the book to life.

If you enjoy the video and/or the book, please help us share it before Anglophobic elites decide to ban, or at least shadow ban it from major platforms.

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
"How VOICE radicals are trying to steal our Commonwealth"

The British Australian Community calls on Australians to vote No in the referendum on a “Voice to Parliament”.

All Australians have an interest in good governance. However, Anglo-Australians have a special interest as founders of the Australian nation. If the voice referendum succeeds, most Australians will be unfairly disadvantaged. For Anglos, however, this will be a particularly bitter pill to swallow as these changes will degrade the Constitution and the Commonwealth which were created by, and for, us.


The British Australian Community is the only multicultural organization that speaks up for Anglo-Celtic Australians, our culture, our history, and our dignity. This new Telegram channel is a convenient way to view the BAC’s news and views. If you like what you see, please pass on to friends and family. If you want to stand up for our people, visit the membership page in our website.
Frank Salter, President

The Purposes of the British Australian Community Incorporated are to:

(a) Represent the interests of Anglo Australians, being that segment of the Australian population descended from the Founding Peoples of the British Isles,

(b) Promote the past and present culture of Anglo Australians, whether developed in Australia, the British Isles, or other English-speaking countries,

(c) Make public and private representations to Australian Federal, State and local governments and statutory bodies, the media, corporations, individuals and the Australian public generally with a view to overcoming prejudice and misunderstanding regarding Anglo Australians, their history, heritage, and culture,

(d) Provide social activities and promote social relationships between members and between members and the general public,

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