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7 Serpents dan repost

Arab Historians be like: "When it was revealed, Allah be praised, that the One Piece was real, his penis was revealed to all. It was 10 cubits long, and 5 cubits in girth, with hair adorning it's rim like that of a learned Sufi. In accordance with the Quran, the penis was circumcised proving the Pirate Whitebeard to be a Man of the Book."

I'm predicting Slenderman is going to make a comeback in popular internet culture once again, with maybe a lot of people deciding to rewatch Marble Hornets and charge that Sigil once again. Dissident Magicians should be on the look out for this, and maybe do some working with the Marble Hornets "Sign of the Operator" Sigil, and the Slenderman egregore itself.

Racist Feminism dan repost
There's a lot of overlap between woman haters and pedophiles.
It's not hard to notice that among misogynists you find arguments in favor of child marriage and teen motherhood. (This is what attracts them to TrAdiTiOnaLisM)

They hate grown women because we're harder to manipulate and abuse and because we stand between potential abusers and children.

The same way a scorned man will call a woman who won't sleep with him a "slut", a scorned pedo will call a woman protecting a child or a girl on the cusp of womanhood from a predator "jealous". Abusers love to gaslight.

By calling grown women protecting girls "jealous", they abuse two birds with one stone... they gaslight the older woman with the absurd lie and manipulate the girl by appealing to her ego.

Women, especially young women and girls, love to feel wanted. I would go so far as to say being wanted is an emotional need for most women. Predators know this, whether it be conscious or not, and use manipulative tactics that play on that need.

TLDR: woman haters are often pedos and I will assume any given woman hater potentially has pedophilic tendencies and should be treated accordingly.

I can confirm this in my own family. My grandma left my grandpa to marry a pedophile because he had more money (but its not like my Grandpa wasn't making good dough, he ran a very successful business before retiring). Anyway, this Pedo molested my mom and when my mom tried to tell my Grandma about this she said "Well, he has a lot of testosterone". He has tried to take a shower with me, spied on my aunt in the shower, and even tried the same shit with my sister. All of this allowed to happen because my Grandma is a vain person who will do anything to feel 21 forever, and thus is susceptible to Manipulator Pedophiles like him.

Back in the 2016 era, when Pagans were just starting to become a prominent Sub-Group in what was then called the Alt-Right. To counter this, Christians would try every polemic method from insults, to lying about their religion, and everything in between those things. My favorite, and this is because of how revealing it is of the Dissident "Christian", is what kind of arguments you would get for "Based" Christianity. For Catholics and Orthodox, the main argument, the crux of why it was more based before than now is because people didn't know how to read, and thus didn't read the Bible. This right here proves that Catholic and Orthodox Christians do not believe in anything, except for Platonist polemics from Church Fathers and Jay Dyer. They know if they actually sat down, read the Bible, and adhered to it's every word, they would end up like the faggy philosemite evangelical Protestants they loathe. They idealize a form of Christianity that was transitionary, one where the Church was gaining wealth, but could not properly poison the nobility's minds with the homosexual philosophy cooked up by tonsures living in Monasteries. "Gothic Christianity" as Yockey calls it, was a phenomenon that can never be reached again, for the Revolution that was Christianity has already been completed, and no Germanic Spirituality, or any kind of Aryan Spirituality, will ever enter a church again. The Printing Press, and the resulting Reformation was inevitable, and necessary in bringing people back to the Semitic Worldview of Early Christianity, a Non-Monist, but ultimately Philosemitic ideology. Some historical Christians were indeed Antisemites, but the thing is that this dialectic of Antisemitism and Philosemitism only exists because Christianity introduced us to the world of jews via OT, NT, and the late Roman Empire. Would jews even be a problem in our society if they weren't a part of our spiritual considerations? Do you think a Pagan King would just dump the jews in his neighbor's backyard like in the Middle Ages, or would he simply execute them? Would they even be there in the first place, or even be granted a district to live in? So I say to the Pagan and the Christian, my gripe with Christianity is not simply Modern Christianity, but the fact that by its nature there is always going to be this dialectic between us and jews so long as we have this religion.

Blackshirt Library dan repost
Bakunin - Letter to Comrades of the Jura Federation.pdf
Letter to Comrades of the Jura Federation
by Mikhail Bakunin

This is one of the most anti-semitic writings by the anarchist thinker Bakunin, written in 1872.

#Communism #JewishQuestion #politics #anarchism

Utumno dan repost

"Everything must come under the control of the leader of the volkish state, state authority and power being a major tool by which the Volkish Leader can reorganize society into a healthier form, cutting off the degenerate dregs from that which is still vibrant with life."

He'll yeah, I made it to 100. I'm officially a Niche Internet Microcelebrity!

I have seen this image about "horniness being a "feminine" trait, you should be thinking of war!". Nothing can be further from the truth! Religion, especially Abrahamic religion, has been the method through which Asexual Bugs push this Neo-Monastic idea of masculinity as opposed to the Porn degeneracy and the likes. The truth is that Magick is stored in the Balls. I'm not kidding, that's where Vril is made. Your magickal energy, which you can transmute and put it to anything you want, is derived from your sexual energy. It's a feat to be born with high vril levels, and then discipline yourself to use it for great things. That's magick. But these Orthodox, Catholic, Protestant, and sometimes Muslim Aceggots, who are most of the time obese black nerds have never had a beast to tame to begin with, and thus their ideas of Masculinity are a sterilized version of Warrior Ethos, one that lacks the Sexual Transmutation element present in actual Warrior Culture. If you don't have the desire to fuck, you don't have the will to fight. It's that simple. Obviously don't be a coomer, but if big butts, big boobs, and long legs don't do it for you, then you do not have the virility to even become a great Warrior.

I had recently watched a movie called Don't Worry My Darling, a film directed by Olivia Wilde. It's pretty mid, and it's full of Jewish comedians as actors. The beginning of the movie completely nearly ruins the surprise, as it takes place in this 1950's setting, but is multi-racial and has interracial couples. Homelander shows up a bunch, and you instantly know he's the bad guy. After much sex, drinking, and 50's shit happens, the protagonist finds out she's in the Matrix and needs to get out. She then finds out Harry Styles locked her away in the Matrix because she had to work a shitty job in the real world, but he wanted to live a life where he protected and provided for her.

On one hand, this movie does make a good critique of the modern numale, and how toxic they are from having repressed masculinity. The issue with it is that it frames a man living a life where he protects and provides for her is "the Matrix" while a life where the woman works extra shifts to provide for the man is not only "real life", but what women want. This is not true, and men who think they can marry up without having that necessary drive to protect and provide are out of their mind. As a man, you really don't want to be in a relationship where you aren't allowed to do those things. Is it any wonder why Harry Styles left Olivia Wilde? She was trying to create the very thing she hates.

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