Christ is Life

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Born Again Christian ready to defend the Lord with His Word to worship His Glory. My page is a platform to showcase evidence of ‘who He is’ to ‘what He did’

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WHO ARE THE 144,000?
The 144,000 are mentioned in only two places in the bible, both in Revelation chapters 7 and 14. Firstly they are not, ‘Jehovah Witnesses’ to simply read both revelation scriptures confirms that fact, I also let scripture, interpret scripture so please open your bible.

What does the bible tell us about the 144,000?
1st) Rev 7:1-8 describes “all the tribes of the children of Israel” 12 x 12,000 of each tribe is 144,000

2) Rev. 14:1-5 v3 ‘new song before the throne' and ‘no man could learn but hundred and forty and four thousand” & “redeemed from the earth” and v4 “not defiled, were virgin’, ‘These are they which follow the lamb withersoever he goeth' and ‘redeemed from among men, being the firstfruits unto God and to the lamb' and v5 ‘in their mouth was no guile; for they are without fault before the throne of God’ its like they are sinless.

A load of information to pinpoint within the fullness of scripture, who the 144,000 are. But first, who is the Lamb? Its Jesus right, and we know ‘they follow the lamb withersoever he goeth' what’s also interesting is the term ‘firstfruits’. Who else is in scripture is called the ‘firstfruits’, well that is Jesus, check out (1 Corin. 15:20, 23) notice in both these verses Jesus also becomes ‘firstfruits’, notice its plural again, not the ‘firstfruit’ as you would expect and in v20 it was His death, burial and resurrection that made Him ‘firstfruits' that means the 144,000 have a connection with Jesus, that’s key to His resurrection, let see some more scripture.
(Isaiah 53), is a prophecy of Jesus resurrection, read from 1-8 v7 praise the Lord (2 Corin. 3:21) “he who knew know sin” back to (Isaiah 53:8) ‘who shall declare his generation“ interesting, because wasn’t all His generation killed when Jesus was Born? So His generation did not exist. So that is an interesting statement ‘who shall declare his generation“. Lets read that verse, (Matthew. 2:13-18) v16 “slew all the children that were in Bethlehem and in the coast thereof” there is no coasts in Bethlehem but if you know how the land of Israel was split by God, he gave each tribe of Israel a coastline. So Herod could of slain all 2 years olds, in all 12 tribes of Israel, in Jesus generstion and it certantly looks that way, but wait theirs more. v18 introduces the prophecy of Jeramiah.
Lets look at that in (Jeremiah. 31:15-17) look at v16 ‘they shall come again' and then v17 ‘they shall come again to their own border' erm, also note in Isaiah 53:8 ‘was cut of'. To recap their was ‘no guile’, ‘no deceit’, no violence, are without fault, both the 144,000 and Jesus, they are also both firstfruits, highlighted at the resurrection, are you seeing what l am seeing.

I'm not finished just yet look at (Rev. 7:1) ‘four corners and four winds' where else can we find ‘four winds' please look at (Ezekiel 37:1-13) called the Valley of the Dry Bones in 'v9 ‘come from the four winds', O breath, and breath upon these slain, that they may live” oh wow now checkout v11 ‘Son of man, these bones are the whole house of Israel;’ also see ‘we are cut of' ‘I will open your graves, and cause you to come up out of your graves, and bring you into the land of Israel’ they are redeemed from the earth.
It make sense now that the 144'000 will be virigins, not defiled, without fault, not liars, sinless bascially, why because there are Children, in Rev 7 their described as the Children of Israel, redeemed from the earth and looks like they were raptured ar the resserection which is why they are the firstfruits. I hope this is a blessing and may the peace of Christ be with. Christ is Life. John 3:16.

The Chosen. It’s the best Christian show I’ve watched.

Christ is Life dan repost
I can do nothing on my own. (John 5:30) How can he be God if he is powerless, hopeless and helpless, who else has heard this reason to deny Jesus? Mostly from Muslims and JW’s
(Christians believe, Jesus is both God and man in one person. The hypostatic union relating to the persons of the Trinity. In Galatians 4:4 Jesus was under the law, as a man, He was obligated to keep the law. In His humbled state of being lower than the angels Hebrew 2:9, Jesus was cooperating with the limitations of being a man Philippians 2:5-8. Therefore, He was in complete subjection to the Father so that He might fulfill the law and be the sacrifice for our sins Hebrews 5:10 and offer salvation. Only until Jesus Baptism did He start to perform Miracles. It was at that point that the Holy Spirit came upon Him. Therefore, Jesus was performing His miracles not by His own power but by the power of the Holy Spirit. This same Holy Spirit is our comforter, is our light that rebuilds falling man into Born Again Christians. Matthew 17:20) Christ is Life. John 3:16.

Proverbs 6:16-19 There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers
The only way is to follow the way of Jesus, in humble way, the Bible says we've to be persecuted like christ, do not follow the easy way of deciet for the hard narrow path is the way of salvation, do not anger God. Seek him for eternal life comes from him. Christ is
Life. John 3:16

Yes Father I agree

I laughed a little reading this, I think I need to repent.

The most translated book in the world, has been translated into 206 different languages, it is Pinoccio by Carlos Collodi. Shakespeare, whom some call the most prolific English-speaking writer, has been translated in around 50 languages. Cervantes de Saavedra with his The man of La Mancha, around 32. The Mormon book, 89 and Jules Verne to 112 languages ​​... The Bible has been translated into more than 400 languages, and more than 2000 dialects and unwritten languages. Gutenberg invented the printing press and The Scriptures (Job) were the first Book to be printed. It was printed in 1454 AD. Job’s first writings date from 1500 BC. The Scriptures have suffered indescribable persecution, but to this day is the most SOLD Book in the world. The books were written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit by more than 40 different authors of all different type of people: shepherds, farmers, tentmakers, doctors, fishermen, priests, philosophers and kings. Despite these differences in occupations, and the amazing number of years that were necessary to complete it, the Bible is extremely cohesive and unified in purpose and substance... It was written over a period of about 1,500 years, from 1450 BC (Moses' time) to about 100 AD. (following the death and resurrection of Jesus). After the death of Christ, the 11 apostles who preached were persecuted, tormented and tortured to death, for more than 40 years... How could they hold for so long, something that was a lie... If they had not seen Him with their own eyes, if they had not been completely sure of having seen the risen Lord... They would not have given their lives for a lie ... I have not seen anyone let alone so many, all dying to sustain a lie .... The 12 most powerful men in the world, in what was called the watergate, could not hold their lies for more than 3 weeks and the 11 apostles and all who saw Him did...for 40 years... When one compares Jesus with the other great religious leaders, a remarkable distinction emerges, in all of them there emerges an instruction, a way of living. It is not Zoroaster you go to, Zoroaster is the one you listen to. It is not Buddha who frees you; it is his noble truths that instruct you. It is not Muhammad who transforms you; It is the beauty of the Qur'an that courts you. Instead, Jesus not only taught or expounded His message. He was identical to his message " In The World's Great Religions, Huston Smith observed that, "Only two people amazed so highly their contemporaries, that the question they evoked was not 'Who is it?' But 'What is it?' They were Jesus and Buddha. The answers that these two gave, were exactly opposite. Buddha said unequivocally that he was a mere man, not a god - almost as if he had anticipated the attempts to worship him in the future. Jesus, on the contrary, claimed ... to be divine. Even people from other religions recognize that Jesus was a great teacher of morals. The Indian leader Mahatma Gandhi praised His honest life and His profound words: Jesus' sermon on the mount has been called the most excellent teaching of human ethics ever uttered by a person. In fact, much of what we know today as "equal rights" is actually the result of the teachings of Jesus. He lived and fought tirelessly for 'equal rights'; in modern times he would have been sent to Siberia. 'The most important among you will be the one who serves others' - this is the inversion of all political wisdom, of all sanity. May the peace of Christ be with you all. Christ is Life. John 3:16.

JW’s lying about Jesus again not on my watch, defend the Lord with the power of His Word.

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