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• - Archive : @Cladiolum
• - Contact : @xoxois
• - For order : @Cladioluss
• - Status : Closed

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Happy 1.3k Subscribers @DeurimPills

Happy 300 subscribers @vlereille

Happy debut nouraa @Luzelenz

Jastip yuk BESOK! dan repost


1. Wajib subscribe @JastipYuk!
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3. Bertanggung jawab dan mengerti bagaimana cara saat berkomunikasi sama customer.
4. Tidak ada rencana delete account/rest ataupun leave ba dalam waktu dekat.
5. Daftar menggunakan main account.
6. Tidak berniat buruk kepada store kami (ex: nyusup cuma pengen tau aja)
7. Niat bekerja sama.
8. Punya pengalaman dalam bidang jastip, yang tidak punya juga nggak masalah.


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BERFIES STAR , OPEN dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
[For those couple eyes who might see this message, may you help us by forwarding this message? Thanks beforehand]

Lavishly turn the beatitude into sunshine, belongs to perpetual enchantment, we delightly announcing that we are open with the new catalagoues! As well as glistening marrow of us, would be our vanity to gratify you with amusing picturesque of icons. Imply the infinitude of creature's complacency, bring you to visceral of blissful. Canonically masterpiece of art is longing to @berfiesstar. Through consciousness of vivid that you should mark your calendar on 16 juli 20.00 WIB

Resplendence beatitude to the firmament, we proudly declare that we are having themed icons, detailed icons, layout, et cetera. Start from 4k until 10k you can get yourself all the grandiosity blossomed by planet earth. For further explanation you can seek our channel on @berfiesstar and for any questions, please make yourself certain to ask it to @berfiesstarbot.

Happy 1.500 subscribers @Aertheology

Happy 400 subscribers @Melowcho

Happy 600 subscribers @BAGLIIORE

Happy 700 subscribers ajuwaa @Zoothetic

𝘽𝙖𝙧𝙗𝙞𝙚 𝙅𝙤𝙤'𝙨 •𝙁𝙞𝙧𝙨𝙩 𝘿𝙚𝙗𝙪𝙩• dan repost
Hello hello! @barbiejoos cafe will be open 14 July 2021 at 14.00 wib!

Our doors are wide open for anyone who wants to come over and enjoy our dessert. Put your things on the table, remove your jacket and place them in the chairs, and then please read our terms and conditions

. After that, you can read our menus list :


So? Interested in this promotion we're distributing? Come on down to the @barbiejoos and enjoy your desserts! See you in cafe!

𝓥eurenica ৎ୭ open. dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
[ for my beloved mutual business friends or anyone who see this, can you please forward this chat to your channel? thankyouu so muchh! 🤍 ]

hi hello! finally veurenica will open batch after long time not open on Thursday 15 July 2021, at 19.00, i provide detailed, themed and shape icons, start with 4.000 you can get adorable icons! :O, and I will also hold a discount, purchases of icons above 15k will get a discount of 4k >__0! you can see the catalogue in here, don't forget to also read the police and regulations! so what are you waiting for? fill the form and send to @veurenicaf >___Kayla.

Mundane Base dan repost
tolong bantu forward pesan ini ke channelmu? terima kasih 💖
halo, jadi rumahku kemarin malam habis kemalingan, uang simpenan mama sama aku diambil, padahal rencananya mau aku pake buat bayar spp sekolah sama tunggakan rapot, sementara ini udah ditagih terus sama guru. dan aku sudah bilang sm guruku besok mau dilunasi, kalo ngga jadi bayar lagi aku takut nanti kena marah krena nunggak terus, mama sama aku udah coba minta bantu dari kemarin, ke temen dan saudara juga, tpi ngga ada satupun yang mau bantu soalnya jumlah uangnya terlalu besar, semua bilang alesannya takut mama ngga bisa bayar 😣 padahal aku butuh bngt, jadi aku mau open donasi seikhlasnya kok, dan bakal ada timbal balik berupa icons yang aku buat, aku minta tolong bantu aku 🥺. buat yang ga bisa bantu dengan uang, aku minta doanya sama fwin pesan ini ke ch kalian ya, biar masalah ini cepet selesai dan lancar, makasih banyak sekali lagi! 💖💖 LAT aja yang mau tahu channel aku yaa



👤 ada niatan buat jual shape ga? shape buatan kamu bagus bagus bangett

MAKASIHHH, aku sendiri ga ada niatan jual shape sihh, tapi ga tau kedepannyaa

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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