Whatever you think of Winny, this information is important to understand.
Here's the speech delivered in parliament today:
From Winston's FB page:
Yesterday’s hikoi wasn’t grassroots – it was a Māori Party astroturf.
What most in the mainstream media are not reporting is that the organiser of the hikoi is the son of the current sitting Māori Party MP Mariameno Kapa-Kingi, is employed by the Māori Party, and stood as a candidate for the Māori Party.
The company that fundraised and coordinated the hikoi called “Toitu Te Tiriti” was incorporated in September by the wife of Rawiri Waititi and the daughter of the Māori Party president John Tamahere.
Driving and flying to parliament in their Car-koi was nothing but a recruitment and fundraising tool for the Māori Party – and the Labour Party ignorantly joined in.
The Māori Party just used and manipulated thousands of Māori yesterday for their own pointless political stunt. They staged a protest against a piece of legislation that they already knew is not going to pass into law.
The faux outrage is obvious for all who see it for what it was. Their aim was to gather anyone and everyone no matter what their cause - including patched gang members.
It’s the same reason they conducted a sham haka in the House last week. It was a disgraceful pre-planned and coordinated stunt that served only to intimidate and undermine the running of the House and grab as many headlines as they could.
They are a bunch of extremists and middle New Zealand has had enough.
New Zealand is a democracy whether the Māori Party like it or not. And using ‘Māori culture’ as an excuse for their disgraceful behaviour is an insult to Māoridom.
No ordinary kiwi, Māori or non-Māori, should accept the behaviour and intent of this Party of Extremists.
They don’t want democracy, they want anarchy.
They don’t want one country, one people, one law - they want separatism, division, and laws based on race. They state it specifically.
And the Labour Party have fallen over themselves to try and join them in their race to the bottom.
There are some more conservative Labour MPs who know they are coming close to a point of no return.
Their Party has already left middle New Zealand a long time ago, and their Party is going to leave them hanging in the wind soon too.
They must wake up at night in cold sweats thinking about how much Labour is now fighting for the space on the woke far-left instead of fighting for middle New Zealand.
Since 1867 Māori have been elected to Parliament with just four winning a general seat until the introduction of MMP when we saw the exponential growth of the number of Māori MPs.
Right now, we have the record number of Māori in Cabinet of any government - more than all the Māori Party MPs combined.
All the Party of Extremists want to do is act with utter contempt and ignorance at the progress that has been accomplished.
They are trying to tear that all down for their own ignorant misguided political gain.
They are trying to tear down our country along with them.
We are not going to concede or yield to these separatists, these people who spew an anthem of hate against other people.
We will not be bullied by these cultural elitist extremists.
We stand for one people, one country, one flag, united as one – Māori and non-Māori.
It is the only way our country will ever succeed – and we will never give up fighting for that.
Whatever you think of Winny, this information is important to understand.
Here's the speech delivered in parliament today:
From Winston's FB page:
Yesterday’s hikoi wasn’t grassroots – it was a Māori Party astroturf.
What most in the mainstream media are not reporting is that the organiser of the hikoi is the son of the current sitting Māori Party MP Mariameno Kapa-Kingi, is employed by the Māori Party, and stood as a candidate for the Māori Party.
The company that fundraised and coordinated the hikoi called “Toitu Te Tiriti” was incorporated in September by the wife of Rawiri Waititi and the daughter of the Māori Party president John Tamahere.
Driving and flying to parliament in their Car-koi was nothing but a recruitment and fundraising tool for the Māori Party – and the Labour Party ignorantly joined in.
The Māori Party just used and manipulated thousands of Māori yesterday for their own pointless political stunt. They staged a protest against a piece of legislation that they already knew is not going to pass into law.
The faux outrage is obvious for all who see it for what it was. Their aim was to gather anyone and everyone no matter what their cause - including patched gang members.
It’s the same reason they conducted a sham haka in the House last week. It was a disgraceful pre-planned and coordinated stunt that served only to intimidate and undermine the running of the House and grab as many headlines as they could.
They are a bunch of extremists and middle New Zealand has had enough.
New Zealand is a democracy whether the Māori Party like it or not. And using ‘Māori culture’ as an excuse for their disgraceful behaviour is an insult to Māoridom.
No ordinary kiwi, Māori or non-Māori, should accept the behaviour and intent of this Party of Extremists.
They don’t want democracy, they want anarchy.
They don’t want one country, one people, one law - they want separatism, division, and laws based on race. They state it specifically.
And the Labour Party have fallen over themselves to try and join them in their race to the bottom.
There are some more conservative Labour MPs who know they are coming close to a point of no return.
Their Party has already left middle New Zealand a long time ago, and their Party is going to leave them hanging in the wind soon too.
They must wake up at night in cold sweats thinking about how much Labour is now fighting for the space on the woke far-left instead of fighting for middle New Zealand.
Since 1867 Māori have been elected to Parliament with just four winning a general seat until the introduction of MMP when we saw the exponential growth of the number of Māori MPs.
Right now, we have the record number of Māori in Cabinet of any government - more than all the Māori Party MPs combined.
All the Party of Extremists want to do is act with utter contempt and ignorance at the progress that has been accomplished.
They are trying to tear that all down for their own ignorant misguided political gain.
They are trying to tear down our country along with them.
We are not going to concede or yield to these separatists, these people who spew an anthem of hate against other people.
We will not be bullied by these cultural elitist extremists.
We stand for one people, one country, one flag, united as one – Māori and non-Māori.
It is the only way our country will ever succeed – and we will never give up fighting for that.