Dear Cupid, open!

Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
Toifa: ko‘rsatilmagan

Commissioned by the Great God of love to give arrows of liaison to those who need a warm heart and pure love. Plead, Dear Cupid will help.
Testimonial: @CupidArchives

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ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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Due to certain circumstances, our bot did not receive the messages you sent to us. Please contact @Bebeatrix if you wanted to send the format order, I’m waiting! 🤍

[Dear our BA mutuals, would you please help us to forward this message to your place? This will be really hepful for us, thank you beforehand!]

Howdy, sweetlings. We bring you the good news that @DearCupid is finally open! We accept orders for GF and BF rent with an affordable price with an additional requests as written here. For those of you who want to feel our service, send a plea to @DearCupidBot by saying "Dear Cupid, I hope there are those who are able to love me without having to hurt me."

Dear Cupid.

A roof over one's headeth, the most comfy the young hast ever hath found far and wide; as-far-as the young doest conscious of her true to life. The daylight did shine off the scotch humour of clouds and pounded the looking-glass. Wodges first did see the lighteth of day from an overly bawbling chavorn, the ceiling of her cubiculo did get a glimpse of her headway.

The breath of windeth wast growingly laying down the plumb Bougainvillea's sprig; wast well-nigh rupture by her blandishments, quell'd the prolonged bouquet of floweth'rets to her, whilst the damsel wast promenading lithely. Cloak hangeth down to her bareth feet, at which hour her eyes art upon thee. Taketh for oneself thy wits hastily.

These miracles hath drawn nigh as that gent grows up and setting one's heart to packeth one's bags to range over; loveth grows from within, warmth on the ceiling of the snugg'ry holds backeth the guffawing hath left. At which hour that gent cometh of age, 'tis coequal better to upturn. Most doleful escapade putteth out of sight there, yearnings and dwams were did hang aloft, coequal above his headeth.



Underneath the quaqswagging fag tree, dulcet tones tooketh in one's arms betwixt harpoon; tetrastiches of balladry hovering high-rise above one's headeth, the cloistered hursts. Acquireth a coup d'œil for the lorch across of the plagues art poignant! Flote frat wast a zephyr herds salubrious birdsong to lugs wall-to-wall.



"It shall beyond any doubteth pursue to augment," thee reassured me yond the white lilac is in sooth unsheathing breath. There were no sharp prickles to feareth, no lacks of mistrust laying aside. Whilst the breath of winds were still able to putteth wise on the perianthes, flowing from where those gents shouldst beest.



The other cleped Amor did paint in words as a mischievous winged dram sleeveen; hovered in the air fancy-free, flyeth in the visage of the breath of windeth yond hoovered its wanderings. From timeth to timeth 'tis to the east, westerly, to the south, 'r northwardly—the query is, who is't knoweth? Keeping a weather eye on how yond Cupid wast foraging for his blazon, how cunning that gent wast! Unduly unforeseeable! Who is't knoweth if 't be true the arrow out of the blue did shoot out of his boweth? Then pirced thy surface? I has't never hath heard of days of yore, if 't be true there shall not beest any floweth'ret of loveth yond shall did burst forth thereupon!



(+) Additionals:

i. Imagine: Rated 1k, Rated + Literate 2k
ii. Put bio: 0,5k
iii. Staying up late: 1k
iv. Watching movies: 2k


Buyer's Name :
Username :
Account type : RP/CA/BA
Rental Interval : ... days
Couple Type : (BXB/BXG/GXG)
Character Request :
Additional Request : (NSFW/Cuddle/etc.)

#Form & #Pricelist


i. No hit and run. Therefore, payment is made at the beginning before renting. Work is carried out according to the order queue.

ii. Payment is made via GoPay, OVO, DANA, Tsel (+rate 2k).

iii. No strings attached. We are not responsible for the feelings that develop during the rental period.

iv. You won’t be able to refund if you’re canceling or terminating the session before it expires.

v. We are available for RP/CA/BA accounts.

vi. We accept requests that lead to RL Thingy, VN only.

vii. Operational hour starts from 08.00-22.00


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Coming from the glorious sunshine of Apollo and the day that always blessed for a smooth life by the great Zeus, the son of Ares and Aphrodite came in search of souls deficient in affection in order to give a warm heart and sincere love. Admittedly, the duty of Eros, generally known as Cupid, the God of love, is a pretty substantial duty to do for the integrated sphere. Hence, Cupid sends a god and a goddess who will shoot a romance to you who need it!

Welcome to Dear Cupid. We are gods and goddesses sent by Cupid to provide affection for those who require it. While treating old wounds out of love, we will help you by becoming a Boyfriend or Girlfriend in a finite time. We will whole heartedly serve you and give it our best.

For those of you who want to feel our service, send a plea to @DearCupidBot by saying "Dear Cupid, I hope there are those who are able to love me without having to hurt me."

Hashtag Guide:

15 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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