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Nationalist Environmentalism

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⚡️࿕Meine Ehre heißt Treue࿕⚡️ dan repost
Get away from the cemetery city!

The spirit becomes colf among a world of stones, bricks, steel and cement,
The world without soul is the Great City.
Live from the fruits that the land offers you, cultivate your fields and take care of the livestock and teach the trade. Your happiness and that of your family will be assured. There is nothing more beautiful than seeing the evening light on the golden wheat. And all your sheep together under the apple trees. From generation to generation, you will be raising and when you die, the new breeding takes ensure. This is what is meant by eternal life. Keep your spiritual mind and your physique firmly united, the body active and alive, and I promise you; I promise you this victory over our enemies, over those men and women who are tied to the desk with their hearts in a safe and their eyes mesmerized by the desktop calculators. Men chained to the Matrix.
I promise you this; You will survive the bastards.

White Tree dan repost
Some fascinating research which links excessive ethnic diversity to environmental degradation and poor enforcement of environmental policies:

"We find that all indices of social fragmentation are negatively linked to measures of environmental quality"

"There is evidence that some aspects of social capital are associated with better environmental performance."

"Using the Environmental Performance Index developed by Columbia and Yale Universities in collaboration with the World Economic Forum, this study finds that countries with moderate levels of ethnic diversity experience the greatest environmental performance as they reap the benefits of a civically engaged society with creative, innovative, and efficient human talent pool and do not bear the negative effects of a highly fractionalized society that typically suffers from poor communication and social cohesion, among other societal ills."

It would be interesting to learn more on the researchers' methods and conclusions. I'll be contacting the authors of these studies to see if we can gain some more insight, so stay tuned for more details.

I am curious to know, for example, just how diverse a society needs to be in order to be considered "moderate" and thereby "reap the benefits of a civically engaged society with creative, innovative, and efficient human talent pool". Since ethnic diversity has been linked to lower social capital (i.e. civic engagement) in other studies, I am skeptical that there will be evidence showing that White displacement is necessary to obtain those perks.

Survivalism, Permaculture & Bushcraft dan repost
Concerned about your bees in dry weather? Feeding them with watermelon can help. Plenty of moisture and sugar content for them.

In looking up information about noise pollution you will mostly find leftist environmental articles that will all draw the same conclusion.
"There is no solution to the problem of noise pollution"
Bull shit!
There is a solution to the to the noise pollution problem allong with the many other related problems we face in this unnatural jewish Cap-Com system and 'WE ARE IT'🙋
The solution is National Socialism which is why the left pretends that there isnt one.

One of the most ignored, yet serious forms of pollution is that of 📣NOISE POLLUTION!

The immediate and long term problems from noise pollution are extremely detrimental to, not only the physical and psychological health of humans but to our pets and wild life as well.

The Cap-Com(capitalist/communist) industrial systems require ever growing urban environments. Along with poor urban planning that focuses only on profit with disregard for the health of its human and non human occupants. The ever growing urban areas become antibiotic slow death beds.

The unnatural rhythms and excessive volume in urban environments cause serious psychological agitation. We get used to the noise but that isn't any sort of benefit because all we are really doing is getting used to living in a unnaturally agitated state. An agitated state that has serious effects on our communication with others and the relationships we have with others that depends on good communication.
This unnaturally agitated state leads chronic stress levels which in turn lead to long term physical helth problems like high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, and stress-related heart problems.

Wildlife faces far more problems than humans because of noise pollution since they are more dependent on sound. Animals develop a better sense of hearing than us since their survival depends on it.
In nature, animals may suffer from hearing loss, which makes them easy prey and leads to dwindling populations. Others become inefficient at hunting, disturbing the balance of the eco-system.
Species that depend on mating calls to reproduce are often unable to hear these calls due to excessive man-made noise. As a result, they are unable to reproduce and cause declining populations. Others require sound waves to echolocate and find their way when migrating. Disturbing their sound signals means they get lost easily and do not migrate when they should. 

White Tree dan repost

From ECOFASCISM RIVISITED by Peter Staudenmaier

"Though not as pronounced as its German counterpart, Italian Fascism also contained environmentalist impulses, another historical example-however ambivalent-of ecofascism in practice.
From land reclamation and ruralization projects to reforestation efforts, such impulses played a subordinate but noticeable role in Mussolini's Italy, often enough tied to racial and national ideology. In his 1921 article "Fascism and the Land" Mussolini declared that Fascism's goal was "to reclaim the land, and with the land the men, and with the men the race:' The 'land improvement' campaign launched in 1928 included measures to reduce urban sprawl, discourage monocropping in agriculture, protect the soil and promote non-mechanized methods of cultivation. By the 1930s exponents of the campaign announced that in Fascist Italy "we are witnessing a return to Mother Earth:' The president of the Fascist Agricultural Association for the province of Trent, Luciano Chimelli, was an ardent proponent of organic farming. According to Chimelli, "the climate created by Fascism" was especially hospitable to organic agriculture. In 1940 the chief German organic farming journal extolled Fascism for rescuing the Italian landscape, for "saving the soil and thereby saving the race:' Admirers of Fascism's ecological orientation celebrated the reforestation programs in particular, declaring that these environmental achievements were only possible under the Fascist regime."

Finnish “eco-fascist” Pentti Linkola turns 86 today. Along with Savitri Devi, Linkola is one of the few figures in the post-War ecological movement to take openly Right-wing positions, rejecting liberal egalitarianism and democracy and advocating eugenics.

To learn more about Linkola’s life, work, and relevance to the New Right, I recommend you read his book Can Life Prevail? A Radical Approach to the Environmental Crisis, trans. Eetu Rautio and Olli S. (Integral Tradition Publishing, 2009).

The Blue Light (German: Das blaue Licht) is a black-and-white 1932 film written and directed by Leni Riefenstahl. In the 1930s, Riefenstahl directed the National Socialist films Triumph des Willens("Triumph of the Will") and Olympia, resulting in worldwide attention and acclaim.
In Riefenstahl's film version, the witch, Junta, played by Riefenstahl, is intended to be a sympathetic character.

The Blue Light is a frame story with a fairy tale atmosphere and elements.
The movie highlights the ills of materialist greed and the environmental destruction that is a result of capitalism.
Junta (Riefenstahl) is a young woman who lives, at the turn of the century, apart from her fellow villagers. Due to her feral strangeness, she is considered to be a witch.

19 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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