This isn't a zero-effort endeavor, and you don't get something for nothing. For every shekel you save, you have to invest some of your time. However, if you are willing to make the time then you can net a tangible reward (boolits and saved money) as well as knowledge and experience. Some cost saving measures include: scrounging for range brass, digging up range berms and looting tire shops for scrap lead, reloading primers, and perusing estate sales for components.
This isn't a zero-effort endeavor, and you don't get something for nothing. For every shekel you save, you have to invest some of your time. However, if you are willing to make the time then you can net a tangible reward (boolits and saved money) as well as knowledge and experience. Some cost saving measures include: scrounging for range brass, digging up range berms and looting tire shops for scrap lead, reloading primers, and perusing estate sales for components.