【Latest Promotion】Casino x metaverse(CASIO) launched on DigiFinex, participate to share 21,000,000 CASIO!
Dear users,
DigiFinex listed Casino x metaverse(CASIO) on February 21th, 2022 and opened trading service of CASIO/USDT at 12:00 (GMT+8) on February 21th, 2022. Now DigiFinex and CASIO project are going to launch the following events.
📌Event period: Feb 24th, 2022 18:00 to Mar 3rd, 2022 18:00 (GMT+8)
📌Rewards distribution: rewards will be distributed in 7 days after this event ends
【Latest Promotion】Casino x metaverse(CASIO) launched on DigiFinex, participate to share 21,000,000 CASIO!
Dear users,
DigiFinex listed Casino x metaverse(CASIO) on February 21th, 2022 and opened trading service of CASIO/USDT at 12:00 (GMT+8) on February 21th, 2022. Now DigiFinex and CASIO project are going to launch the following events.
📌Event period: Feb 24th, 2022 18:00 to Mar 3rd, 2022 18:00 (GMT+8)
📌Rewards distribution: rewards will be distributed in 7 days after this event ends