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How to search and find Telegram channels

Learn how to use Telegram and search things not like an idiot

Be free of all such bullshit directories! Be a real Telegram king

PS: there are still some few decent directories, but many are just 💩!

Telegram Freaks Announcements dan repost
Well, what we already told you about Telegram directories? THEY ARE JUST SHIT!

They approved almost all bullshit channels we own = means channels where other people are posting things (example Reddit) = such things can contain a lot of fake news


they refused all fact check and scientific based channels.

We, the only scientific based brand worldwide on all social networks ...

Telegram without us and our 1000-2000 channels? Just full of illegality, porno, spam and bullshits. Exactly the channels they even approve in such directories ...
exactly like what is happening on TikTok too, if we exclude few decent users ...

The sad reality when directories are managed by idiots and many directories have the only goal to make money wit

TelegramFreaks : Telegram Channel Freaks from Росси́я, Україна, Deutschland, Italia, Schweiz, España, UK, USA and more dan repost
Additional comment related to and the bullshit article we wrote previously

We already said that directories are 💩 and they discriminate languages too, like they did 2 years ago ...

Well first let we check the most followed channels (real or fake bought followers is another point ...). No matter, 3 identical crypto shit channels approved! = spam on such directory, since is the exact same channel, but obviously they say nothing about that ... like they don't say anything about illegal full movie sharing channels or other spamming things ...

Ok, no matter, we already said that directories are the worst way to find channels, but we said that Telegram has a shitty Telegram search feature too @BetterTelegramUsage, so related to the previous comment, how the hell are you able to find such content, if already for us is complex to find some channels, and we need to implement tons of strategies to find them, "wasting hours". And obviously we don't search just in one language ... and we don't keep track just one topic, but almost all. Most journalists and users don't do what we do, so ....

So if you are already not able to search using the basic search feature, for sure you are not using complex strategies too, to fix the shitty search feature issue on Telegram ... and such strategies doesn't mean just using Telegram to find content ...

TelegramFreaks : Telegram Channel Freaks from Росси́я, Україна, Deutschland, Italia, Schweiz, España, UK, USA and more dan repost
Why Telegram directories are shit? We already wrote about that

Let we see another example. Looking the picture it means they approved our "all in one" channels, but rejected the single channels, EVEN IF THE ALL IN ONE CHANNEL got approved and CONTAINS the single channels ... Our comment "just idiots..." they do with all topics the same 💩 and many other similar directories do the same shit ...

Army channel with air alert approved, army channel without air alert rejected ...

We saw similar thing 100000x times before, no matter the topic or language ...

Conclusion: like we said multiple times, don't think to find channels on Telegram directories ... since who manage such websites, do it just in shitty ways ...

Just think 🇮🇹, approving porno channels and rejecting decent channels ...

Start to learn how to search channels properly on Telegram @SearchTelegramChannels

TelegramFreaks : Telegram Channel Freaks from Росси́я, Україна, Deutschland, Italia, Schweiz, España, UK, USA and more dan repost
Do we need to talk about fake Telegram directories? Then we can only tell you, that there are many out there! Example of fake directories that reject ALL submissions, no matter the topic, language or whatever? Here we go. Keep in mind there are other too, it's just an example! Tips to search channels: @SearchTelegramChannels

TelegramFreaks : Telegram Channel Freaks from Росси́я, Україна, Deutschland, Italia, Schweiz, España, UK, USA and more dan repost
A true story happened few months ago. Telegram directories admins are racists. Same identical channels, just with different languages, get rejected and banned with no sense from their directories. Same happens for other channels, made always by the same creator, just about different topics. Few get randomly approved, other get randomly banned. So don't trust Telegram directories and don't think this is an alternative way to find channels. Few directories don't approve any type of channels at all, just those who pay for that.

TelegramFreaks : Telegram Channel Freaks from Росси́я, Україна, Deutschland, Italia, Schweiz, España, UK, USA and more dan repost
Telegram Directories, why they are just shit. Part 2:
Today we discovered that one directory deleted all entries (even the entries from official Ukraine channels) only to promote their shitty channels (where you need to pay to get their @...). Another experienced with did today. After 3 weeks we got the answer from another directory. French, Italian, Ukrainian and Russian breaking news channel is not ok, but Spanish and German yes. WTF? This just to show you how all such directories are just shit. There is a no sense in the selection of the content.

TelegramFreaks : Telegram Channel Freaks from Росси́я, Україна, Deutschland, Italia, Schweiz, España, UK, USA and more dan repost
Today we want tell you again why you DON'T need to search channels using Telegram directories. Here an example of channels we submitted months ago. Almost 70% of the channels are rejected without any reason, no matter which language, topic or other. This obviously doesn't happen only to us, but to everyone. Obviously it depends from website to website. There are directories where they approve nothing, or other just approve all without checking. So first they get approved or rejected after maybe 2-3 months ... this already show just how shitty is... then, depending if the admins want to batch approve or reject, they get approved or rejected. Since we are Nr. 1 in reporting what is happening in Russia - Ukraine we already checked almost all other channels worldwide, and we backup some that are good. During this phase we experienced again how shitty Telegram search is. So if you really want to discover channels, you NEED to implement our suggestions, otherwise you just discover 5% of the channels available.

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