"The energy of freedom (svatantriya), the desire to create a temporal sequence (krama), and even the flow of time itself (kramatva), are manifestations of the power of the Omnipresent (vibhu). Empowered, these three goddesses reveal within me the Peerless (unequaled) (anuttara)."
Comment: For Trika, freedom, total independence is the highest aspect of divine power: in his complete freedom and from this freedom, Bhagavan unfolds the world, and even the nature of this unfolding, subject to the flow of time, is a consequence of his omnipotence.
This is because, says Jayaratha, that the highest light of Consciousness (paraprakash) is beyond all activity, creative or otherwise, because the Lord, who has no equal, is the incomparable Reality, which the yogi must recognize within himself.
- Tantraloka 1.5