Still a shame that Pavel Durov allow 🇮🇹 spam ...
We already reported you Pavel Durov multiple times that between all countries on Telegram, Italy is the worse and NR 1 for spam.
They did that previously with multiple various topics and they continue and continue to do that. This is the reason why Telegram is considered just a shit social by all people in the world (big brands and newspaper too) and no one is using that, except 3 cats (if we exclude all other using just for shit goals ...). At the end all people think that is used just for illegal things, because of all such idiots. Idiots that just post bullshit, illegal things, porn / child porno and similar shit.
Pavel Durov, it's now time you ban all such Italian people and channels from Telegram once at all!
Even using a rape story to get more followers, without considering that most channels use their fake followers buying strategies, and you allow that too, making not just Telegram full of porn etc., but even with shit results showing almost just porn content! (or better spam empty channels with invitation links and fake subscribers).
So Pavel Durov, near the fact that it's time you implement all suggestions we sent you, it's time you ban such people / channel / user behaviour - strategies too. Only after that Telegram could be really get a boost on usage.
We already reported you Pavel Durov multiple times that between all countries on Telegram, Italy is the worse and NR 1 for spam.
They did that previously with multiple various topics and they continue and continue to do that. This is the reason why Telegram is considered just a shit social by all people in the world (big brands and newspaper too) and no one is using that, except 3 cats (if we exclude all other using just for shit goals ...). At the end all people think that is used just for illegal things, because of all such idiots. Idiots that just post bullshit, illegal things, porn / child porno and similar shit.
Pavel Durov, it's now time you ban all such Italian people and channels from Telegram once at all!
Even using a rape story to get more followers, without considering that most channels use their fake followers buying strategies, and you allow that too, making not just Telegram full of porn etc., but even with shit results showing almost just porn content! (or better spam empty channels with invitation links and fake subscribers).
So Pavel Durov, near the fact that it's time you implement all suggestions we sent you, it's time you ban such people / channel / user behaviour - strategies too. Only after that Telegram could be really get a boost on usage.