One thing is sure: on Telegram there is more law, rights, fact check, science, true or official informations etc. than everywhere else.
Many new channels ready to be released too
Because it's time that our planet change! Not only related to the shitty opinion people, big brands, etc. have against Telegram, by discriminating such social at all! without even understand that the features available ARE NOT AVAILABLE ON ANY OTHER SOCIAL NETWORK! and if Durov will implement all suggestions (means even the pro of other socials compared to Telegram now) that we shared years ago, other social could say ciao ciao once at all!
No matter what, if we promote the right, but Pavel still continue to give a shit allowing criminals, spam and similar things ... well, people will continue to discriminate Telegram! So Pavel Durov, it's time you do something to improve Telegram reputation. This doesn't mean sharing all infos to governments, but to stop criminality on Telegram properly.
This doesn't even mean implementing shitty AI that works like shit, where at the end legit content get banned like on Reddit or Facebook ...
It's time to contrast criminality by keeping Telegram quality!
So near this Telegram discrimination, it's time we change about other things too! Criminals need to live behind prisons (or "under the ground" for serious crimes), families need to learn to educate their kids, politicians etc. need to learn to spread less bullshit, our governments need to respect rights and consider all people equal (if not related to crimes / right abuses), CEO need to learn to act without having only money in mind, we need to learn that animals and the planet have the exact same rights like humans! or that it doesn't matter your sex, age, financial situation, etc., we need to learn that the future is more important than just looking to "now" ignoring indirect consequences of our actions (no matter the topic, etc.) ...
It's time to fight FOR A BETTER PLANET WITH CORRECT LAWS, where people can decide when they want to be born and when it's time to die with dignity! without having fear of discrimination, terrorism, criminality, etc. while they live!
Many new channels ready to be released too
Because it's time that our planet change! Not only related to the shitty opinion people, big brands, etc. have against Telegram, by discriminating such social at all! without even understand that the features available ARE NOT AVAILABLE ON ANY OTHER SOCIAL NETWORK! and if Durov will implement all suggestions (means even the pro of other socials compared to Telegram now) that we shared years ago, other social could say ciao ciao once at all!
No matter what, if we promote the right, but Pavel still continue to give a shit allowing criminals, spam and similar things ... well, people will continue to discriminate Telegram! So Pavel Durov, it's time you do something to improve Telegram reputation. This doesn't mean sharing all infos to governments, but to stop criminality on Telegram properly.
This doesn't even mean implementing shitty AI that works like shit, where at the end legit content get banned like on Reddit or Facebook ...
It's time to contrast criminality by keeping Telegram quality!
So near this Telegram discrimination, it's time we change about other things too! Criminals need to live behind prisons (or "under the ground" for serious crimes), families need to learn to educate their kids, politicians etc. need to learn to spread less bullshit, our governments need to respect rights and consider all people equal (if not related to crimes / right abuses), CEO need to learn to act without having only money in mind, we need to learn that animals and the planet have the exact same rights like humans! or that it doesn't matter your sex, age, financial situation, etc., we need to learn that the future is more important than just looking to "now" ignoring indirect consequences of our actions (no matter the topic, etc.) ...
It's time to fight FOR A BETTER PLANET WITH CORRECT LAWS, where people can decide when they want to be born and when it's time to die with dignity! without having fear of discrimination, terrorism, criminality, etc. while they live!