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How to Learn English through Movies ?

✅ This technique is found to be quite effective and used by many while watching a movie. Just have a try and you may find it useful too.

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10 EASY Grammar Rules For PREPOSITIONS (in, at, on, to, for, etc.)


Watch + infinitive without  to.
Don’t say:    I watched the girls to play hockey.
Say:   I watched the girls play hockey.

Note: I watched the girls playing hockey is also correct.

Common mistakes with prepositions
*22. Depend on or upon, not from.
Don’t Say: It depends from her.
Say: It depends on (or upon) her.
Note: Rely on or upon. I can't rely on (or upon) him.
*23. Deprive of, not from.
Don’t Say:  Nelson Mandela was deprived from his freedom.
Say:  Nelson Mandela was deprived of his freedom.
*24. Die of an illness, not from an illness.
Don’t Say:  Many people have died from malaria.  
Say: Many people have died of malaria.
Note: People die of illness, of hunger, of thirst, of or from wounds; from overwork; by violence, by the sword, by pestilence; in battle; for their country, for a cause; through neglect; on the scaffold; at the stake.
*25. Different from, not than
Don’t Say:  My book is different than yours.
Say: My book is different from yours.
*26. Disappointed by, about or at, not from.
(a)    by/at/about:
Don’t Say:  Phillipa was disappointed from the low mark she got in the test.
Say: Phillipa was disappointed by/about/at the low mark she got in the test.
(b)  with/in:
Don’t Say: Jane was disappointed from her son.
Say: Jane was disappointed with/in her son.
Note: Before a person we use with or in, before a thing we use at, about or by and before a gerund we use at; Keith is very disappointed at not winning the prize. We use that (optional before a new clause): I was disappointed (that) I didn't get an invitation.
*27. Divide into parts, not in parts.
Don’t Say: I divided the cake in four parts.
Say: I divided the cake into four parts.
Note: A thing may be divided in half or in two: Paul divided the apple in half (or in two).
*28. No doubt (n) of or about, not for.
Don’t Say:  I've no doubt for his ability,
Say: I've no doubt of (or about) his ability.
Note: Doubtful of: I am doubtful of his ability to pass.
*29. Dressed in, not with.
Don’t Say: The woman was dressed with black.
Say: The woman was dressed in black.
Note: The woman was in black is also correct.
*30. Exception to, not of.
Don’t Say: This is an exception of the rule.  
Say: This is an exception to the rule.
Note: We say with the exception of: She liked all her subjects with the exception of physics
*31. Exchange for, not by.
Don’t Say: He exchanged his collection of matchboxes by some foreign stamps.
Say: He exchanged his collection of matchboxes for some foreign stamps.
Note: In exchange for: He gave them his old car in exchange for a new one.
*32. Fail in, not from.
Don’t Say:  Steven failed from math’s last year.
Say: Steven failed in math’s last year.
*33. Full of, not with or from.
Don’t Say: The jar was full with (or from) oil.        
Say: The jar was full of oil.
Note: Fill takes with: Jane filled the glass with water.
*34. Get rid of, not from.
Don’t Say:  I'll be glad to get rid from him.   

💯📮Using the wrong preposition
Mistakes are often made by using the wrong preposition after certain words.  The following   list includes the words which most often give   trouble:
*1. Absorbed (- very much interested) in, not at.
Don’t Say: The man was absorbed at his work.
Say: The man was absorbed in his work.
*2. Accuse of, not for.
Don’t Say: She accused the man for stealing.
Say: She accused the man of stealing.
Note: Charge takes with the man was charged with murder.
*3. Accustomed to, not with.
Don’t Say: I'm accustomed with hot weather.
Say: I'm accustomed to hot weather.
Note: Also used to: He is to the heat.
*4. Afraid of, not from.
Don’t Say: James is afraid from the dog.
Say: James is afraid of the dog.
*5. Aim at, not on or against.
Don’t Say: She aimed on {or against) the target.
Say: She aimed at the target.
Note: Use the preposition at to denote direction, throw at, shout at, fire at shoot at, Shoot (without the at) means to kill.  He shot a bird (= he hit and killed it)
*6. Angry with, not against.
Don’t Say: The teacher was angry against him.       
Say: The teacher was angry with him.
*7. Anxious (= troubled) about, not for.
Don’t Say: They're anxious for his health.
Say: They're anxious about his health.
Note: Anxious meaning wishing very much takes for. Parents are anxious
*8. Arrive at, not to.
Don’t Say: We arrived to the village at night. 
Say: We arrived at the village at night.
Note: Use arrive in with countries and large cities. Mr. Smith has arrived in London (or New York, India, etc.)
*9. Ashamed of, not from.
Don’t Say: He's now ashamed from his conduct.    
Say: He's now ashamed of his conduct.
Note: It isn't correct to use ashamed of meaning shy. Ashamed means feeling shame or guilt about something. Shy means feeling nervous with someone. Instead of saying: I'm ashamed (or shamed) of my teacher, Say: I'm shy of my teacher.
*10. Believe in, not to.
Don’t Say: We believe to God. 
Say:  We believe in God.
Note: To believe in means to have faith in. To believe (without the in) means to regard something as true: I believe everything he says.
*11. Boast of or about, not for.
Don’t Say: James boasted for his strength.
Say: James boasted of (or about) his strength.
*12. Careful of, with or about, not for.
Don’t Say: Elke's very careful for her health.  
Say: Elke's very careful of/about her health.
Or: You should be more careful with your money.
Note: Take care of: Ram take care of his money.
*13. Travel by train, etc., not with the train, etc.
Don’t Say: He travelled with the train yesterday.
Say: He travelled by train yesterday.
Note: We Say: by train, by boat by plane, by bike; also, by land, by sea, by air, by bus; in a bus or on a bus; by car or in a car, by taxi or in a taxi; on horse-back, on a donkey, on a bicycle; on foot.
*14. Complain about, not for.
Don’t Say: Annette complained for the weather. 
Say: Annette complained about the weather.
Note: When talking about illness we use complain of. 
We Say: She complained of a sore throat.
*15. Composed of, not from.
Don’t Say: Our class is composed from thirty students. 
Say: Our class is composed of thirty students.
*16. Confidence in, not to.
Don’t Say: I have great confidence to you.
Say: I have great confidence in you.
Note: In confidence: Let me tell you something in confidence (= as a secret) 
*17. Conform to, not with.
Don’t Say: We must conform with the rules.
Say: We must conform to the rules.
Note: comply takes with. We'll comply with your request.
*18. Congratulate on, not for.
Don’t Say:  I congratulate you for your success.
Say: I congratulate you on your success.
*19. Consist of, not from.
Don’t Say: A year consists from twelve months.     
Say: A year consists of twelve months.
Note: Take great care never to use consist in the passive form.
*20. Covered with, not by.
Don’t Say: The mountains are covered by snow.     
Say: The mountains are covered with/in snow.
*21. Cure of, not from.
Don’t Say: The man was cured from his illness.

kat qiling.
Qanchasini yodlay olsangiz, shunchasini o’rganib olishga harakat qiling. Agar testda iboraviy fe’lning birinchi, fe’l qismi berilgan bo’lsa-yu, Sizdan ikkinchi, predlog qismini topish talab etilgan bo’lsa, yodlaganlaringiz Sizga qo’l kelib qolishi mumkin. Har kuni kanalimizda @InglizEnglish kanalida iboraviy fe'llar berib borilmoqda
Nima demoqchi ekanligimni tushuntiraman: masalan, matn berilgan, undan so’ng esa 3 ta matnga oid savol berilgan. Agar shu uchta testning birinchisini B, ikkinchisini C deb belgilangan bo’lsangiz, uchinchisini A deb belgilamang! Kuzatishlarim bo’yicha test tuzuvchilar matnlardan keyin keladigan uchta savol javoblarining to’g’rilarini ko’pincha harflar ketma-ketligi asosida yashirishadi. Ya’ni, agar birinchi savolning to’g’ri javobi B bo’lsa, demak keyingi ikkita savolning to’g’ri javobi A bo’lmasligi aniq. Ikkinchi va uchinchi savolning to’g’ri javoblari C yoki D, juda kamdan-kam holatlarda B (yuqoridagi javob bilan bir hil) bo’lish ehtimoli kuchli.
Bu nafaqat ingliz tili, balki boshqa har qanday fanga oid testlarga ham ta’luqli. Agar 7 ta savolni ketma-ket A yoki B yoki C yoki D qilib bir hil belgilasangiz, ularning ko’pi bilan 3 tasi to’g’ri chiqadi. Tavakkal qilishni juda xohlayotgan bo’lsangiz, imkon qadar javob harflarini turli hil qilib belgilashga harakat qiling. Bir hil harfni ketma-ket ko’p marta belgilamang.

⚠️Kanalimizda qoling sababi imtixonga 1 hafta qolganda sizlar bilan imtixon uchun maxsus tartibda ishlaymiz.

Kanalimizdan uzoqlashmang maqola yoqan bo'lsa, kanalga do'stlarizni taklif qiling agarda safimiz kengayib borsa sizlar uchun juda zo'r yangi malumotlarim bor. Buning uchun siz kanalimizni kuzatib borshingiz va ko'p do'stlarizni taklf etishingiz kerak.

Ⓜ️avzu : Test yechish sirlari
⚠️Bazilarga kanalda mayda shriflarda o'qish qiyin bo'lganligi va ikki qismdan tashklil topganligi uchun hammasni bitta qilib chiqdik xohlagan pastdagi link orqali ham o'qishi mumkin.

Mavzuni o'qish👇

🌐Kanalimizga obuna bo'ling

✳️Test Ishlash SIrlari✳️

Bu yerdagi ma'lumotlar hammaga kerakli sababi agar ingliz tilini umuman bilmasangiz buyerdagi ma'lumotlar bilan ko'proq yechasiz.
Agar ingliz tilinib bilsangiz bu malumotlar siz uchun eslatmadek bo'ladi

❗️Bu maqola orqali men hech kimni kirish imtihonlarida tavakkalga asoslanib test bajarishga undamoqchi emasman. .

⚠️Ingliz tili testlarini tavakkal bajarishda quyidagilarga e’tibor bering:

1️⃣PREDLOGLARDAN KEYIN HAR DOIM OXIRI “-ING” QO’SHIMCHASI BILAN TUGAGAN FE’LLARNI TANLANG. Ingliz tili grammatikasidagi asosiy qoidalarga ko’ra deyarli har doim ON, IN, OFF, UP, DOWN, UNDER, OF, ABOUT va boshqa predloglardan keyin oxiri “-ING” qo’shimchasi bilan tugagan fe’llar ishlatiladi. Agar savol “He is afraid of … ” ko’rinishida bo’lsa, ya’ni “…”dan oldin predlog bo’lsa, demak berilgan javob variantlaridagi fe’llarning “ING” bilan tugagani to’g’ri javob hisoblanadi. Bu usul 80% holatlarda to’g’ri.
▪️without laughing, afraid of losing, angry about walking
2️⃣O’ZIDAN KEYIN “TO” VA “ING” OLADIGAN MAHSUS FE’LLARNI YODLAB OLING. Ularni yodlab oling va “…” dan oldin Siz yodlagan shu fe’llardan birini ko’rsangiz, darhol TO yuklamasi bilan boshlangan fe’lni to’g’ri javob sifatida belgilang. O’zindan keyin “-ING” qo’shimchasini olgan fe’l (gerund) keladigan fe’llar ham bor.
🔹agree to do, afford to buy, wait to hear
🔸mention going, risk losing, quit trying
3️⃣MATNLI SAVOLLARDAGI JAVOBLARNING ENG UZUN, KO’P YOZUVLISINI TANLANG. Bu 90% testlarda to’g’ri natija beradi. Ingliz tili testlaridagi matnli savollarning to’g’ri javoblari eng ko’p hollarda eng yozuvi ko’pi, uzun yozilgani bo’ladi. Testlarni tavakkal bajarayotgan ekansiz, bu tanlov Siz uchun eng yaxshisi hisoblanadi!
4️⃣ANIQ ARTIKLNING QO’LLANILISHINI YUZAKI O’RGANIB CHIQING. Ingliz tilida THE aniq artikli ma’lum otlar yoki boshqa so’z turkumidagi so’zlar oldidan doimiy ishlatiladi. Ularni yodlab qolish juda oson. Masalan, dunyoda yagona bo’lgan otlar; quyosh, oy, yer va hokazolar oldidan har doim THE ishlatiladi. Sifatning orttirma darajasi oldidan ham aniq artikl ishlatiladi. Demak, “… smallest” (ohiriga -est qo’shimchasi qo’shilgan), yoki “… most important” (ko’p bo’g’inli sifatdan oldin most so’zi qo’yilgan) sifatlardan oldin har doim aniq artikl qo’yiladi. Bunaqa qoidalar ko’p, lekin qisqa vaqtda o’rganishga ulgurmasligingiz darajasida juda ko’p emas. Tahminan 3-4 soat yaxshi shug’ullanish orqali THE ishlatiladigan so’zlarning hammasini o’rganib olishingiz mumkin.
Hozirda TO BE fe’lining shaklini tanlashni talab qiladigan testlar ko’pincha bir hil usul asosida tayyorlanayapti. Ya’ni, savolda “…”dan oldin ko’plik shaklidagi ot bo’lsa, TO BE fe’lining birlik shakli to’g’ri javob, aksincha, “…”dan oldin turgan ot birlik shaklida bo’lsa, TO BE fe’lining birlik shakli to’g’ri javob sifatida tanlanayapti. Bilmadim, bu balki test bajaruvchilarni chalg’itish uchundir, ammo shaxsan men bunaqa testlarning juda ko’piga duch kelayapman. Demak, “…” dan avval ko’plik shaklidagi ot bo’lsa TO BE fe’lining IS yoki WAS shaklini tanlang. Agar “…”dan oldin birlik shaklidagi ot bo’lsa, TO BE fe’lining ARE yoki WERE shaklini tanlang. Tanlovingiz ko’p hollarda to’g’ri bo’ladi.
Twenty-five people looking for Tom … here.
A. is B. are.
Tabiiyki, TO BE fe’li bilan tanish bo’lgan kishi nuqtalar o’rniga “Tom”ga nisbatan TO BE fe’lining “IS” shakli qo’llaniladi, deb A javobni belgilashadi. Hozirda ko’pchilik testlar aynan shunday chalg’ituvchi usul bilan tuzilayapti. Yaxshilab qarasak, yuqoridagi testda TO BE fe’lining shakli “25 people”ga nisbatan qo’yilishi kerak. Shuning uchun ham nuqtalar o’rniga TO BE fe’lini qo’yish kerak bo’lganda nuqtalardan avval turgan ot birlikda bo’lsa (yuqoridagi vaziyatda TOM), TO BE fe’lining ko’plikdagi shaklini tanlashni maslahat berdim. Bu testning to’g’ri javobi ham (tavsiyaga asosan) ARE!

✅Davomi bor....

✳️Ingliz tili testlarini tavakkal bajarish DAVOMI✳️
6️⃣IBORAVIY FE’LLARNI YODLANG. Imkon qadar ko’proq iboraviy fe’llarni yodlashga hara

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
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Megabayt ko'p bo'lsa bemalol😂@EasyEnglishlessonforyou

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Past continuous zamoniga qo'shimcha video albatta ko'ring😊
Uxlab qolmanga

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Past simple tense

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Qo'shimcha video kimda megabayt ko'p bo'lsa👍

Longman Academic Writing 📚
Improve your writing by review this useful book.

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🎥 BBC English in a Minute | Even though vs Even if

👉 Hi, I’m Phil from BBC Learning English. Today, I’m going to tell you the difference between ‘even though’ and ‘even if’. Now, we use them both for emphasis but they don’t mean the same. We use ‘even though’ to introduce something that’s true, but might be a little bit unexpected. It’s a bit like ‘despite’. Even though I hate driving, I’m still going to Scotland by car. Even though I hate tennis, I’m still going to watch the final. We use ‘even if’ to introduce something hypothetical, so it might not be real. Even if it’s sunny when we’re in Scotland, I’m not going swimming. Even if you paid me, I wouldn’t watch that film. So, ‘even though’ is for things that are true but unexpected, and ‘even if’ is for things that are hypothetical, so they might not be real. Even though they look the same, they are different – even if you didn’t notice at first!

Qo‘shiq ingliz tilida lekin qo‘shiqni eshitgan inson qo‘shiqni qalban his eta oladi🍃

Thank you Allah

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🌐Modal Verb in the Past: Would Have/Wouldn't Have - Basic English Grammar

Destination B1 - o'zbekcha (@new_vocabulary).pdf
⚡️ Awesome news for channel members - Kanal a'zolari uchun ajoyib yangilik.

📘 Destination B1 kitobining barcha vocabulary unitlarini o'zbekcha tarjimasi bilan kitob shaklida tayyorladik. Bu kitob vocabularyingizni rivojlantirishda sizga albatta foydasi tegadi.

Boost your vocabulary with @EasyEnglishlessonforyou

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Funny video "Schotland english akcent" 😂


Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Learn 250+ Common Verbs in English in 25 Minutes


Ajoyib turdagi dasturni sizlarga taqdim etaman.
Siz til oʻrganayotgan boʻlishingiz, yoki turli formulalar, atamalarni yodlayotgan boʻlishingiz mumkin.
Millionlab abituriyentlar, talabalar va til oʻrganmoqchi boʻlgan insonlar, barchasi uchun universal dastur.
Dasturdan foydalanish oson: ya'ni siz bugun biror bir soʻzni (yoki masala, atamani) yodladingiz, siz ushbu yod olgan malumotingizni shu dasturga kiritib borasiz. Va kiritgan maʼlumotlaringiz 10 tadan oshganidan soʻng sizga dastur oʻsha maʼlumotlar asosida avtomatik tarzda test tuzib beradi.
Ushbu testlarni yechish barobarida siz oʻsha maʼlumotni takrorlab, ham bilimingizni mustahkamlab borasiz.
Shu bilan birga siz dasturda maʼlum bir vaqtni belgilab qoʻysangiz oʻsha vaqt kelganida dastur sizga "ushbu lugʻatni takrorla" mazmunida eslatma xabar yuboradi.
Dastur lugʻat yodlashda juda qoʻl keladi.
Xullas o'n marta eshitgandan bir marta "yuklagan" yaxshi😉

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