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Please join the new channel, as this one is now defunct.


There was a necessity for reorganization of the channel, and a new one was needed. We apologize for any inconvenience, and hope you continue to enjoy our content on the new Edelweiß Propaganda Machine.


The Way Down dan repost

Christian Aryanism - Archive dan repost
Be a man.
Be the burning light of hope and stand up for your people.

Esoteric National Socialism dan repost
Somebody once asked me what had attracted me to National Socialism. I replied without a shadow of hesitation: 'Its beauty.' — Savitri Devi

Adolf Hitler's Artwork dan repost
Adolf Hitler, Palais Auersperg, Wien, (year unknown)

TooReel5Me dan repost

Adolf Hitler's Artwork dan repost
Adolf Hitler, Castle in the Mountains, 1904

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