★ Greetings everyone!!!After seeing a news that there will be a comeback from 5 Coolest girls and after we waited. YAP, Finally out new Music Video from
ITZY named
LOCO with a cool concept.
And here we go...
Happy Comeback for ITZY and also all ITZY RP—ers especially Tera, and Kalaya, Nara, Pikko, Tamara, Clava, Adena, Yasmine, Ishagart, Jeypa, Shakira, Youlla, Jezriel, Biru, Rain, Ryemi, Bening, Rinaya, Ellen, Jorlene, Nowie, Bella, Cloudi, Raxèla, Mortea, Alsha, Thalea, Claire, Rasyekerza, Jayce, Shacièlle, Reyna, Bear, Morie, Zie, Lionela and other!! I hope you all enjoy the new Music Video
You know, ITZY always know how to make MIDZY fall in love for them. So, don't forget to always support ITZY and give them love no matter what. Streaming their Music Video on YouTube and other Music in any platforms! Last but not least, Happy Comeback!
With full of ♡ from Jabiru