{ 🗳 } HELP FOWARD. I'm @xSpidery with my friends @Jenhop, @IEnigtma, @Soamurai, @l0afshaechann, @LeeiMiinhyung @iKimMiingyuu. Looking for new mutuals, if you are interested in mutually with us please leave @.Username as a trace. Before that please be sure to comply with the following rules, and if you belong to them there is no need to leave a trace.
Note : If you have 300+/500+ subs, RPRL AREA, admin upsubs/squad/store, side acc, homophobic, LGBTQ, minor, nonchr, plagiarism, nsfw phobic, hate me and my muse, part of prpw, problematic, rarely diving, diving via board/absent only, soon channel, Please DO NOT INTERACT.
Note : If you have 300+/500+ subs, RPRL AREA, admin upsubs/squad/store, side acc, homophobic, LGBTQ, minor, nonchr, plagiarism, nsfw phobic, hate me and my muse, part of prpw, problematic, rarely diving, diving via board/absent only, soon channel, Please DO NOT INTERACT.