Facts behind Terrorism and Telegram by GRT ( ISIS / Hamas / Gaza - Palestine / Al-Qa'ida ) dan repost
Recidivism / Prison Facts in Norway Part 6
Part 1 https://t.me/TerrorismTelegram/620
There may be various reasons for this disparity. The risk of recidivism is linked, among other things, to the type of offense committed, whether you have previously been convicted, and the type of punishment used
Dette har naturligvis sammenheng blant annet med hvem eller hvilke grupper som gjennomfører straff på de ulike sikkerhetsnivåene, mv. For øvrig må tall om tilbakefall leses med det forbehold at ny kriminalitet faktisk blir registrert.
This is naturally related, among other things, to who or which groups carry out punishment at the various security levels, etc. Furthermore, figures on recidivism must be read with the caveat that new crime is actually registered.
En relativt stor andel av innsatte i norske fengsler er utenlandske statsborgere. Gjennomsnittet i Europa for 2019 var 23 prosent av alle innsatte, mens i Norge hadde 31 prosent av innsatte utenlandsk statsborgerskap
A relatively large proportion of inmates in Norwegian prisons are foreign nationals. The average in Europe for 2019 was 23 percent of all inmates, while in Norway 31 percent of inmates had foreign citizenship
I 2010 var gjennomsnittlig antall dager med ubetinget fengselsstraff på 167 dager, mens tilsvarende tall i 2019 var 198 dager.
In 2010, the average number of days with an unconditional prison sentence was 167 days, while the corresponding figure in 2019 was 198 days https://perma.cc/S2Y3-TN72
I 2020 var gjen- nomsnittet i Europa 124 innsatte per 100 000 i befolkningen, mens tilsvarende tall for Norge var 58,8.1 Likevel har Norge lenge vært det landet i Norden med høyest antall innsatte i forhold til befolkningen, men forholdstallet har falt kraftig etter 2016.
In 2020, the average in Europe was 124 inmates per 100,000 in the population, while the corresponding figure for Norway was 58.8.1 Nevertheless, Norway has long been the country in the Nordics with the highest number of inmates in relation to the population.
Part 1 https://t.me/TerrorismTelegram/620
There may be various reasons for this disparity. The risk of recidivism is linked, among other things, to the type of offense committed, whether you have previously been convicted, and the type of punishment used
Dette har naturligvis sammenheng blant annet med hvem eller hvilke grupper som gjennomfører straff på de ulike sikkerhetsnivåene, mv. For øvrig må tall om tilbakefall leses med det forbehold at ny kriminalitet faktisk blir registrert.
This is naturally related, among other things, to who or which groups carry out punishment at the various security levels, etc. Furthermore, figures on recidivism must be read with the caveat that new crime is actually registered.
En relativt stor andel av innsatte i norske fengsler er utenlandske statsborgere. Gjennomsnittet i Europa for 2019 var 23 prosent av alle innsatte, mens i Norge hadde 31 prosent av innsatte utenlandsk statsborgerskap
A relatively large proportion of inmates in Norwegian prisons are foreign nationals. The average in Europe for 2019 was 23 percent of all inmates, while in Norway 31 percent of inmates had foreign citizenship
I 2010 var gjennomsnittlig antall dager med ubetinget fengselsstraff på 167 dager, mens tilsvarende tall i 2019 var 198 dager.
In 2010, the average number of days with an unconditional prison sentence was 167 days, while the corresponding figure in 2019 was 198 days https://perma.cc/S2Y3-TN72
I 2020 var gjen- nomsnittet i Europa 124 innsatte per 100 000 i befolkningen, mens tilsvarende tall for Norge var 58,8.1 Likevel har Norge lenge vært det landet i Norden med høyest antall innsatte i forhold til befolkningen, men forholdstallet har falt kraftig etter 2016.
In 2020, the average in Europe was 124 inmates per 100,000 in the population, while the corresponding figure for Norway was 58.8.1 Nevertheless, Norway has long been the country in the Nordics with the highest number of inmates in relation to the population.