Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Do we need to be honest?
Parents have in reality NO RIGHT to do such things!
If people fighting against abortion spread bullshit related to religion ignoring science and anatomy
saying "well a fetus is already the starting point of an human" —> Yes, this is right! without fetus there is no "working" baby after x weeks
Exactly like you need to have 🥦🥕🍣💧... etc. to create a pureed food respecting a specific IDDSI scala, this doesn't mean that just because you bought such food and maybe you mixed that in a 💩 way (fetus), means elderly can eat that, because if this doesn't respect IDDSI, they could even DIE! The exact same thing happen with a fetus ...
So saying this, but at the same time you force a baby to follow YOUR RELIGION! by doing similar things related to the video.
BASED ON WHAT DO YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO DO THAT?? Because you are the mother? Well, few weeks ago you said "mother have no right to decide if a fetus (= not an human) need to live or die.
But now you force a baby to follow your religion? (that maybe go against human rights?)
Niemand darf gezwungen werden, einer Religionsgemeinschaft beizutreten oder anzugehören, eine religiöse Handlung vorzunehmen oder religiösem Unterricht zu folgen.
aus Art. 15 Glaubens- und Gewissensfreiheit
If they write NO ONE, this means even parents making a big decision ... Yes, they can refuse that later, but you are still bombarding the kid with such things for years. So the kid get huge influenced by a decision made by parents or governments!
No just because you are fan of Juventus, means the kid NEED to be fan of Juventus ... No matter, being a fan is not problematic like following a religion believing bullshit that go against human / animal or planet rights!
So religion is fine, doing crimes against rights NOT!
No matter if about ☪️, ⛪️ or other!
Parents have in reality NO RIGHT to do such things!
If people fighting against abortion spread bullshit related to religion ignoring science and anatomy
saying "well a fetus is already the starting point of an human" —> Yes, this is right! without fetus there is no "working" baby after x weeks
Exactly like you need to have 🥦🥕🍣💧... etc. to create a pureed food respecting a specific IDDSI scala, this doesn't mean that just because you bought such food and maybe you mixed that in a 💩 way (fetus), means elderly can eat that, because if this doesn't respect IDDSI, they could even DIE! The exact same thing happen with a fetus ...
So saying this, but at the same time you force a baby to follow YOUR RELIGION! by doing similar things related to the video.
BASED ON WHAT DO YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO DO THAT?? Because you are the mother? Well, few weeks ago you said "mother have no right to decide if a fetus (= not an human) need to live or die.
But now you force a baby to follow your religion? (that maybe go against human rights?)
Niemand darf gezwungen werden, einer Religionsgemeinschaft beizutreten oder anzugehören, eine religiöse Handlung vorzunehmen oder religiösem Unterricht zu folgen.
aus Art. 15 Glaubens- und Gewissensfreiheit
If they write NO ONE, this means even parents making a big decision ... Yes, they can refuse that later, but you are still bombarding the kid with such things for years. So the kid get huge influenced by a decision made by parents or governments!
No just because you are fan of Juventus, means the kid NEED to be fan of Juventus ... No matter, being a fan is not problematic like following a religion believing bullshit that go against human / animal or planet rights!
So religion is fine, doing crimes against rights NOT!
No matter if about ☪️, ⛪️ or other!